:-D ¡YIPPEE! :-D

To sum up today would have to be... klutzy. I ran into a door, hit myself in the head with a folder, almost tripped, hit myself in the head with another folder, almost dropped my clarinet on Cara, ran into another door, slipped on some ice on the way into my house, and slipped on some more ice going up to the 7-8th grade boys basketball game. What a fun day, but it wasn't depressing, it actually was a great day. I went to the basketball game because I wanted to see Jake. I also went because my friend Andrew wanted me too, who conviently is Jake's friend too. Let me tell you a bit more. I really like this guy named Jake. He is a year younger than me, 7th grade, but that doesn't really matter. He is so sweet, cute (or hot which ever you wish), he has a great smile, great eyes, and a great personality. I really like him. I am pretty shy, and so is he. I've wanted to tell him how I feel for so long, it's killing me. I don't just want to tell him, I NEED to tell him. Some of my friends know, but not many. I think he likes me, because when I gave him a note that said I needed to talk to him, he seemed like he was interested and wanted to know what I had to tell him. Unfortunally, he had to leave before I got to talk to him because he had to leave for an away basketball game. Jake also broke his collar bone snowbording and got amnesia just before that, again snowbording. I feel really bad for him. I was going to talk to Jake at the game today because he wasn't playing, but I couldn't "summon" up enough courage. Jake and I have just talked a little, but I really hope he likes me. He is a great person and I get to see him at lunch and in band, he plays trumpet.
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Go natalie!!!