:-D :-P :-D :-P

Feeling: free
Today and yesterday were GREAT! As you may or may not know, my knees have been hurting and screwed up for a while. Yesterday I went to one of my two physical therpists, she was the one that took the X-rays, and she was impressed with my progress over the last 6 weeks. I haven't been able to run or practice for soccer because it has to heal. I am very proud to say that I can now run and train for soccer, but I can't do stairs, which I like doing, but thats alright. I am very happy for another reason and I also feel free, hence the mood. I also feel that I really don't like Jake anymore. I'm glad I told him, because I might have wasted my time on someone that doesn't like me as well. Since this has happened, I've been more aware of other people around me. I'll let you know if anything else happens.
Read 2 comments
hey thanks so much. its nice to know someone is in the same boat.
I like engineers..but I sitll don't want to be one. LOL It's good that you don't like jake..keep your eyes open...except I get dibs on Tony...