why to hate Valentines day...

Listening to: Led Zepplin
Feeling: angry
I hate this fucking holiday, Of corse you love it because you have this fabulous date. Well you know what?.. Not everyone has this dream date that they can spend the day with. NO!, Most people spend it all by themselves. So screwed up. If everyone is going to make such a big deal out of it then make it a fucking national holiday so at least I can spend the day alone in my room and not in this stupid nausiating school. Really, tell me how many people you know that is never upset on Valentines day...? Its not that I'm depressed or anything its just that this entire holiday Fucks up everyones mind... and if you arn't so in love with someone, then theres 86 percent chance that you are being played only because they are depressed and feel the need to have someone on valentines day. Its so disturbing... I think I'm gonna write a pretty little letter to Mr.President that this is such a stupid holiday, and If he is one of those looney tunes that actually thinks its SO nice he can make it a national holiday!!! Oh yeah, and while hes doing that He ought to make the FUCKING CHINESE NEW YEAR a national holiday!!![(nothing against china or anything)] This holiday brings me anger. Everyone goes around talking about their lame relationship that will never last!...I almost like chickens, ducks, and bunnies on easter better! Oh yes, The hole online dating is pretty lam. too. Don't get me wrong..I like the hole guy thing but god girls just get too overly obsessed real fast... And one more thing to make it even more horrible is that the guy you probably like has a girl friend or just doesn't like you at all. It just sucks...I hate this fucking holiday, Of corse you love it because you have this fabulous date. Well you know what?.. Not everyone has this dream date that they can spend the day with. NO!, Most people spend it all by themselves. So screwed up. If everyone is going to make such a big deal out of it then make it a fucking national holiday so at least I can spend the day alone in my room and not in this stupid nausiating school. Really, tell me how many people you know that is never upset on Valentines day...? Its not that I'm depressed or anything its just that this entire holiday Fucks up everyones mind... and if you arn't so in love with someone, then theres 86 percent chance that you are being played only because they are depressed and feel the need to have someone on valentines day. Its so disturbing... I think I'm gonna write a pretty little letter to Mr.President that this is such a stupid holiday, and If he is one of those looney tunes that actually thinks its SO nice he can make it a national holiday!!! Oh yeah, and while hes doing that He ought to make the FUCKING CHINESE NEW YEAR a national holiday!!![(nothing against china or anything)] This holiday brings me anger. Everyone goes around talking about their lame relationship that will never last!...I almost like chickens, ducks, and bunnies on easter better! Oh yes, The hole online dating is pretty lam. too. Don't get me wrong..I like the hole guy thing but god girls just get too overly obsessed real fast... And one more thing to make it even more horrible is that the guy you probably like has a girl friend or just doesn't like you at all. It just sucks... let me know your excuse for hating it...
Read 2 comments
most people hate valentine's day... unless they're getting lucky.
i totally agree with u, oh fuck i hate this day, its stupid, cuz if u dont have that some1 u like around then its a fucking living hell, haha, and yea im phychotic, but i can t help it, but u know what, lets better call this day: blood valentine (just like the gc song) then we can all kill ppl, haha, or the stupid preps boasting with their stupid bf, lol.