Listening to: SP
YEAH----> first weekend in 4 weeks that didnt SUCK!
=D-----> Well friday Night Emily came ova and we went to the Relay for life" we were gunna ask to play football with everyone but yeah know "" Balls ever droped!!! So we just watched for a wile!
^^^^++++*** then We went to the Firestation and talked with Firefighter Liepold!*AKA* CHRIS<----> Anywyas so we stayed there tell about 10 ish and then I WENT home :(!!!
SATURDAY kenneth " my brother" had a HALO party! GGGGAAAAAAAYYYYY! anywyaas Emily and Jessiker came to keep my companey and we just talked....ya know GURL stuffff..... then went to BEDDDDD.....JESSICA Woke us up this morning! cuz she didnt want to go to work! awwwww SAd:( and then she went home so she whouldnt get in trouble with the Parental units!!!!!! THen me and emily went to McDicks! YAYA for breakfast!!!! and then came back to my crib and then we went Shpping! YEAH! boi love it! anyways im tired and its only 3.... but i got up at!
--------------> Katilyn <------------------
P.S. Life is moving on!
wow, i would love to live in america... it always looks so cool out there... =)
oh a chav... well... they wear burberry and hoodies with stuff like Nickleson and Mackensie all over them... and have too much gold jewellry on... and always wear matching jogging outfits... and are basically scraggy... hehe... i'll get a pici on my diary of one of them so you can see it properly!!!