what a week......

Listening to: none
Feeling: awake

where's my gifts?

well well well....i haven't written since my birthday...im already 14!!nothing much happened really..juz celebrated at our house wit my whole family(that's why it rocked)and had a pizza party!!hehe my fave food and that's it...anyway..this week had been a pretty busy week.i joined the speech choir and all...there were many reporting and projects here and there.my classmates are such a jerk!the teachers are unbelieveable...uhhhggrr...good thing we did something today...we played billiards! hehe i suck big time!we were supposed to be going to the theater to watch exorcicst but we changed our minds for some reasons.... *sigh* got to go ta ta x)
Read 4 comments
hey how did you get the different pictures above the entries? like one entry would be jeca and then the next would be eka...that's cool!

hahahha it's a rabbit.lol have u ever heard of happy bunni??lol
yepp... long entry, well for once in a long time i've had so much fun with a friend [not at school or my house]. it was a great day, except that i pulled a muscle jumping on the trampaline, and twisted my ankle when i jumped off the floor trying to get out quickly [it was my friend's sisters room.. wasnt suppose to be there] lol... well ttyl, buh byeee
aw ur diary's cute 8)