A New Age

Train of thought lost in endless words This has been a fight for life An eternal struggle for emotional freedom A look outside the cold walls around us Teaching us there is no other way to turn Extacy in self pity. My life in this city is ended Taking from it only bitter memories and scarred loss This must begin anew. Self pity takes hold at a new time and place Witness to a transformation. Witness to inner murder-suicide Seeing those around me change and transform into monsters. I run Run from self pity. Escape this ungodly city. Flee into night The battle has just begun. From you i run. I cannot fight. I must flee Heartless cowards busting the face of self respect Do your favours for a packet of cigarettes comfort you? Could you look back on it and be proud? Do you know what you are thinking? Hang your heads in shame. You are a pathetic disgrace A festering boil on the arsehole of humanity. But be rest assured You will be burnt. Burnt off the face of the earth. You will dissapear. You will cease to be known. The truest people. Truest to themselves will survive. For others the end will come Slow and painful. You will burn and die. Favours long forgotten Disgraced bodies will turn rotten. Good riddance to your pathetic waste of life. This cannot be condoned. Sitting on the throne of self immolation. I watch as the infidels die. I alone am left unharmed. Survival Bitter memories and scarred loss are washed away with the rest Of this waste of space. This cancer called humanity. I alone have acheived divinity. Surivival in the wake of garbage. This rotten wasteland called Earth will be reborn anew. Bask in the new age. No more need for anger or rage. Survival Self respect will be taught to the self righteous. Self respect or death. This is dedicated to the self righteous. The ones who think they know everything yet know nothing. They will learn self respect and humility or be washed away in the cess pool of armageddon.
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Rastafarian love

Well hello, its been a quite a long time since i last wrote anything on here, and in that time a hell of alot of stuff has happened... Well in March last year i moved to Qld to be with my girlfriend, and i got a job up there, and for a while it was great but then it got really bad with so many people giving me shit all the time My girlfriends mum never stopped giving me shit and i got into about 3 or 4 arguments with her, so needless to say i began to hate it up there... then i had problems with my girlfriend and the other people i was living with, sometimes they really pised me off... i mean i know i probably did it to them too but hey most of the time i would try to get away from them and still id get more shit when i returned, i had to like walk on eggshells in the house i was liviing in. So a couple of months ago i ecided to come back home to nsw, my mum and dad missed me heaps and said they would be coming up for 10 days over christmas, so they came and got me and now im back home. I feel alot better now im back, im more relaxed than ive been for months, i can do whatever the hell i want now which is always a good thing for me lol anyway thats my rant
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same shit different smell

Feeling: annoyed
well its been a freaking long time since i wrote anything in here, i think febrauray was the last time i made an entry :|... anyway since then ive moved away from home... 1,500 kms from home to be precise, i have a girlfriend, a job and some really annoying poop and annoying people in my life, some of them make me want to shoot myself in the head. seriously... i know things happen and stuff but certain peple dont have to go on like they do
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no sleep

This isnt good... For the last few weeks i havent been able to sleep properly, and i dont know why I only got 4 and a half hours sleep last night, i feel so crap :( How can one person feel so sticky :(
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Listening to: the tv
Feeling: sorry
Well last night was pretty interesting, my cousins band was playing last night so i went to see them at the pub they were playing at in town... It was their first proper gig, and they looked pretty nervous at the start, but after a couple of songs they got into it and needless to say they went the fuck off, they played a mix of rock and metal which sounded really really awesome, and didnt just sing cover songs but sang songs of their own which were awesome aswell, the singer sounds like a mix between kurt cobain and jamey jasta which is an interesting combination... sounds awesome But halfway through the show during their break my cousin goes to me "oh get up and start a mosh pit" so me being me, i did Fancy that, hardcore dancing at a rock gig! It didnt take long for other people to get into it either, after i got up a few other people came over and started moshing with me... one dude hugged me :| and a couple of winos were dancing too now that was funny as. I fell over twice because my legs got so sore and gave way... man i need to get out to more gigs, my legs arent used to that kind of punishment They ended the show with a blistering rendition of Loco by Coal Chamber which was awesome to mosh to lol. Then after the gig i helped pack up the drum kit and stuff, and then we all went back to my cousins place and then to his mate where i ended up drunk as playing uno with my cousin and his mates I ended up getting into an argument with the bands "manager" over their style of music, he said that hip hop was better than rock and he was managing a rock band... fucking imbecile he is an arrogant fuckhead... i ended up getting home at 4 am and then fell asleep fully clothed and at this present point in time i am extremely sore :(
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Listening to: the tv
Feeling: whatever
What you dont know, hurts you the most What you dont feel, you can't deal with What I say, they all take the wrong way Whatever you do, It all sticks with you This is life, and you have to live it You have to take all that comes your way
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Bored as

Listening to: Spring - Rammstein
Feeling: braindead
Man its 3:25am and im soooo bored... music is about the only thing keeping me on the edge of sanity at the moment... I dont really know where id be without music since i spend most of my time listening to it :D Hmm this week should be pretty interesting... an end to the endless boredom is in sight Well i guess i should go to bed soon, its fairly late... but i dont know if ill be able to, i guess ill just have to try
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Hooray for... something

Feeling: bored
Woo! I'm so bored i have decided to make yet another account on a random site... and here i am! Yay what an interesting life i have... Hmm im so bored i think i need one of those shocker things they use on people who've had cardiac arests... but i think a dose of metal should do that anyway hehe
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