(45)I'll take you to the candy shop
Feeling: bootylicious
well hello. my diary didn't look like this before, i changed it. Today was ok, i went through school, as usual. Sandi told me something very interesting about her weekend, but that cannot be disscused at this time. Meand some of my friends went to Truettes after school, but i had to leave early because i had to pick my sisters from school because my mom and stepdad are at the lake on their way home. i saw constantine last night and did not understand practically any of it...ok well thats all i have to write now, i have to go and call my mom and try to convince to let us go out to eat tonight
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hey..somehow someone got the password to my diary & deleted all my friends..i have no idea who it was..but i think they deleted one of my entries too..i dont really kno..lol later.
lol o..i dont even look at the main page..i just go straight to my url address or w.e & log in..that's kinda retarted tho..dont ya think?