Listening to: sublime
Feeling: zealous
aight bitchs itz time for a new entry!!!
ok well i have a story 4 u...
we got like a foot of snow around where i live, and so i had to go shovel off my trampoline be4 it broke. so i cleared it...and then i was jumping on it wen i noticed a large snow drift next to my tramp. so naturally it would be fun to jump off my tramp in to the snow...or so i thought. as i was running, i slipped on the very edge of my trampoline. then i flipped upside down while flying off the tramp.,and i smashed my hip/thigh on the hard metal pole (really REALLY hard metal pole). and,coming to a conclusion, i landed in the snow upside own head first like a penguin!woo hoo! well yes it hurt really bad and now i can barely walk...but im still goin sleddin tomarrow cause theres NO SKOOL!!! and itz a good thing too cuause i didnt stdy 4 my midterm...o well.
aight, later!
ye should become a pirate like me and get tough bah
ye should become a pirate like me and get tough bah
stay safe