Summer nights...

So it's the ;ast day of June.. Summer is going pretty good so far. Thank you to everyone for the comments, and yes I would like some cheese with my wine. I got my hair cut off a few days ago, it feels so weird going from hair that went down past my shoulders, that just touches my brows. I keep trying to flip my hair out of habbit. I am getting a new car probably tomorrow, the one I have is pretty junky, so this one is a big upgrade. It's a Honda Civic*smile* If anyone reads my stuff on here and has thoughts about it then leave a comment, I really like to read them, even if they are mean. Sometimes you can make a new friend that way, ya know? My cousin was supposed to have her baby today, but she is onle 6CM dialated right now, and she like strated having contractions like way early this morning, so I feel bad for her. I know I jump from subject to subject when I am talking, but I just say things as they come into my brain... OH! I love this song!!! Dontcha wish your girlfriend was hot like me? Dontcha wish your girlfriend was freak like me? Dontcha? Dontcha? Dontcha wish your girlfriend was raw like me? Dontcha wish your girlfriend was fun like me? Dontcha? Dontcha? lol... I wonder what kinda people read this stuff I put on here anyway... Really guys... leave some comments for me! I guess I have said enough dumb crazy stuff for now. Alan.
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I hope it's not to short.
Samuel must look nice in a dress. :3