Worst weekend

Listening to: lsitening to nothing
Feeling: alone
So this has to be the worse weekend ever. Friday i worked from 4-9 that was okay, i mean its work. So Saturday me and my mom go out. She attpemted to take me shopping. First we went to the H to see her friend Nicole, stayed there for a lil while, then we went to TJ max. I didn't fit in any of there jeans and they had no shirts. So i ended up just getting a pure, which later when i came home my boyfriend told me it was ugly... Nice huh, So we where all suppose to go to Mohegan sun that night.( my mom, step dad, boyfriend and I) And on the way home my mom said she wanted to go to Fox woods instead so when we get home. My step dads not ready, and that causes them to fight... So im like fine lets not go apparently its just going to cause drama. About a half an hour goes by, and we leave. We ended up walking around for a lil bit, and then eating at the hard rock cafe, it was really fun... And allot of slutty girls where their so you know boyfriends got wondering eyes. At first i was like w/e and then after awhile i got a lil pissed. So we leave he now has an attitude wont talk to me. And now we have to go to staples and the grocery store. At staples i stay in the car with him.. It was dead silent until my phone went off with my father telling me my 18 year old cuzin is prego.. JOY!. So now were at the grocery store i ask him whats wrong he says nothing. And then after awhile got him to tell me... Yeah that wasn't fun. So we get home still not fun he wouldn't cuddle with me or anything. So now it's sunday, my mom had a class to teach at the house so we had to leave. My step dad took us to the car show, yeah it was all going good until i tryed to hold saverios hand. Wow he turns around and tells me he's still mad at me. That pissed me off for the rest of th day so i tryed to stay as far away from him as possible. Then for me doing that i got told i was acting like a brat all day and had a sour puss. After the car show they wanted to go see a movie and i didnt i wanted to shop and they would not let me. So i was fucking heated i needed new pants wtf. So now im just like i want to go home. Now im home i go in my room and cry, yeah im a big baby, but i was hurt and pissed. So my mom comes up and ask me whats wrong i tell her to leave me alone but she wont until she finds out. So finally she gets it out of me itell her about the car show. Then she offers to take me to khol's and i being a fucking idot ask saverio if he wants to come. So he can go to wally wolrd. So he comes still being mean to me. But i hate shoping i didnt fit in any jeans but to and there madd long. But oh well my mom bought me a pair of jeans and a black vest andi bouht a pair of jeans and a cami. So now once again im back home being ignored. And my internet doesnt work in my room anymore so im stuck sitting in my moms study. What fucking fun that is . While my boyfriends upstiars on his computer doing god knows what with his fucking web cam i fucking hate that thing. So now i have nothing to do...
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