Oh Where Oh Where Can My Baby Be?

Feeling: antsy
Welp...my baby Jackie is coming to visit! Since my last entry (about forty years ago) I have moved to Wallingford, PA which is right outside of Philadelphia. Things have been extremely hard and I find it hard to keep going sometimes, but this Saturday will be a day that will make everything alright. I cannot wait to hold her...be able to look into her eyes and tell her that I love her...She's still everything to me and I have waited over three months to see her again. I love you Jackie...MWAH!
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i love you so much. you mean the world to me. i cant wait to see you again. i wish i could see you this second. most of the time im sad im not with you but then i think about the times that we had together, and how it was just a few days ago that i kissed your cute little lips and it makes me smile. i wish that you could see me smile when i think of you. love, jackie
hehe this time it was six months but you are coming today!