Ashley, Caeleigh... YOU SUCK

you two suck big hairy man balls!!!! I can't belive you two are leaving Yearbook. Not only does that mean more work for me but but but... ahhhhh. Grrr and or snarl. Now its a bunch of guys and Shelby. Well theres the new girl and the fat one, but still you guys cant just leave... Fine go, see if I care... dont mind me I'm just going to go leak from my eyes where two walls meet.
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oh, you will care. You will care so much that you will become depressed and probably kill yourself...
YOU HAVE ISSUES. but thats ok wel still deal with you. don't feel bad. everyone has issues. some more than others though. well

RAWR YOuSucK BIggER MonkEY BaLls THan aNy ONe ElsE YUoDumb ONe

wow its really hard writing like that. having to hold shift and type and let go and type and so on and so on and so on and so on and so on..... Any What school sucks no matter what classes you take/ don't take.

LEArN tO DEal wiTH It BiG MAc, AkA: BoOrItOo