
BAD NEWS: Last night my Ex b/f called me and said shit like "yea I'm pissed at you cuz you cheated on me" And also he dumped me like 4 months ago...but back to what I was saying I never did cheat on him I cared deeply about that boy . We talked about alot of crap and how I'm sick of people telling me shit he says about me and how I always hear it at school! then he brings up somthing SOOO old it's crazy.. he said " Who was the guy that got you a gift last christmas" HELLO were over who cares and why does he care?? I just don't understand him! I also told him that I wish we could get over all the happend and hang out with all of our old friends again.. he said "no I don't see that ever happing " anyways GOOD NEWS: Christmas is coming I can't wait I know I sound like a nerd but that's ok. 2 more days of school and thats it:) then x-mas break Yay
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hey kari you suck! and i bet that english exam is fucking hard as crap too! ohh... and you need to change your text's killer on the eyes! love ya!!!!