Weddings up the Wazzooo

Listening to: Hillary Duff
Feeling: excited
Hey all! Today is such an exciting day! Three of my friends are getting married. Two weddings at 2:00 and one at 5:00. So, I'm going to be running all over the state today. I'm glad that I don't get very car sick..hehe So here's the plan: 1:00 leave for my friend Julie's wedding...go see her in her pretty white dress...then it's off to Anna's wedding...which is an hour and a half away...get there for the reception and see her before she leaves for Louisiana...then it's back to home country where there is another highschool friend who is getting married. Go see him for his reception and then it's back to Julie's for her reception. Man I'm already exhausted and it hasn't even started yet. lol I'm way excited for everyone though. It's a happy time of year. Well, I need to go and get ready. Have a great day!
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I love weddings! Have a good day:D
It was super to see you today, even if you almost didn't recognize me! Hope you made it to all your festivities and had a hoppin' good time! :)