.:.Chapt 10.:.

"Well lets put it this way i wasn't in this world when i made a mistake" laughed Brianna. "I dont quite follow your gonna have to explain this to me." "GODDAM your innocent. Alrite i'll say it plain and simple i was high as a kite, And the the stuff that kept me up there was coke. And i came to school like a dumb fuck ahaha" Grace just was baffled she couldn't muster up anything to say at this point. "I came to school and this bitch was messing with me and i wasn't in the mood. Ahaha you see when im high i get pissed. And i beat the shit outta her. I aint even playing" Brianna seemed to pause and become unusally somber. "I beat her so bad... i made her blind in one eye." Brianna stared off accross the lunchroom. "I just kept hitting her. I could't feel a thing at all. So i hit her harder and harder. I saw blood and i still didn't stop. I thought this was the funniest thing in the world. Her screamin in pain because i was winnin in this fight. I thought i was teaching her a lesson. When really i was teachin myself. It took 4 cops to get me off her. And even when they picked me up i was still swinging because i hadn't realized they had picked me off the ground. They handcuffed my hands behind my back. All i kept saying was "i was playin we were playing" i dont even remember what the cops said to me when i said that. I dont remember the car ride but i got to this clinic and they did blood work and i passed out cuz i had done too many hits of coke. When i woke up i was in a room with bars and 5 girls staring down at me. And from then on i lived there. This year was my first year out. I'm still doing some city work but its fine. I haven't seen the girl i beat up but when i had my court date a few weeks ago they said she was legally blind in one eye, i guess i broke her nose too. Ionno i wasn't really paying attention..I couldn't.. You kno when your scared shitless the world around you is quiet and everything is slow motion.. thas how it was that day. I'm sure you're wondering why i bring this up.. but i just dont have anyone to talk to. Because rumors can start pretty quick. And i dont wanna get kicked outta this school. I hate packin up and leaving. yea.. thas about it... just had to get that out." Dumbfounded Grace just sat there. She couldn't believe what she had just heard. She could only utter out. "what about your parents?" "o them? My dad's the one who gave me the coke he's in jail right now. My mom.. she's a nut job really" Grace couldn't understand how Brianna can talk so matter o factly about something this horrible. "B-But how.." "ehh dont worry about knowing wut to say. This is one of those matters that has nothing really to say or be done. One of those topics you talk about and they hang there in the air with nothing to say."Brianna replied. "I wish i could erase that. Erase whatever pain you had that made u do the coke." "Yea me too. But sometimes you gotta suffer to get to your happiness. Wut about you?"asked Brianna "What do you mean wut about me?" "You look like you've got a story to tell." Brianna stated. "Mines more like a novel." "Open a page and start reading then." Brianna chuckled.
Read 6 comments

love always,
wow. She would have had to have been pretty messed up on coke to do that. How sad. It's good that she doesn't want to get kicked out again though.
wow....that was awesome...keep it up amanda...its good -jessie
Woo. Nice chapter. It was strong. I dunno about this bria girl.. shes starting to sound like shes gonna ruin grace's life.. i dunno. yes, again its a wonderful chapoter.. straite from the heart. I hope everything turns out and bria doesnt have to go to jail anymore... i wonder about her mother though.. hmmm. great chapter as always
I think that this story is very well written. The last couple of chapters were better than the earlier ones.. the first few didn't seem possible. All of that happenening to one person... that would be so overwhelming. But I definitley know how she feels and I'm definitley going to keep reading!

another chapter anytime soon?