Time to Hibernate

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Feeling: shocked
well the time has come that i shall now spend as much time during the next 6 months to stay the hell inside, and out of that shit hole we call Winter! lol When i woke up this morning to snow, it brought a tear to my eye. Oh well, looks like either way in november im goin to go to alberta to work. I really need money badly right now and well i think a change in scenery will be good too. Warmer there, plus they have a hockey team:D and a good one at that!!!! and on top of that there are a whole wack load of girls that dont already know me witch will give me a better chance(Y) but im bored and well had the best night all i did was watch hockey but im out, until next time canada adios amigos
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The Kavanaghs are comin' for ya biyatch!! haha