
Feeling: clever
today in school we did nuthin well....we had a sub. for science so that means goofing off the whole period....math all we did was fooled around on the computer and playin with gimp haha....social studies one hour of bullshit thats the onlii work we did all day....lunch well thats all i really have to say.....language arts was mad funny mr welch told us we had to do your work after school instead of in calls and told us to read or study instead we goofed off[once again]and me and kathleen listen to music hehe [ipod me, cd player her] and played with sum more gimp andf talked so loud...my day was great and to top it off NO HOMEWORK....YAY....and i talked to my friend gina today i havent talked to her for like 3 mouths omg i miss her.....well comment my other entrys thanks much love[x] lemmi out xOx
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today we had a sub 4 science! fun fun!!!

i loverrrss subs lol
