
i just wrote an entry and then accidentally hit the back key or something...and the text all disappeared. weird. that rhymed, and not on purpose. well, i guess it WOULD rhyme if someone spoke the words aloud. does it actually rhyme even if you only write or type it? apparently i've ben writing here. sorry. :D if you'd like a link to where i write more often, let me know. i'll post it here; i don't even care. i might go change my colors to these - i am rather enjoying them! i have to do some reading and studying hardcore this week - i have reading, discussion questions, an essay and a midterm exam this week. plus i'm lazy. i do have a spa massage/wrap appointment for this week so hopefully that will help me feel better. i've been dragging ass lately :( well, i'm off to read and do laundry. wee. a warm bath also sounds good. and i was also propositioned by my husband before dinner. what the hell am i doing on the computer!? ;-)
Read 9 comments
i love those propositions!!!!
yer diary is awesum! -alexis
that doesnt rhyme u lair
i spoke it out load
now my feet are cold
and im feeling tired

yea so

i am an ass



Hey! If you need any cool Icons or Cute Things for your Diary, then Im the diary to Visit!!! Have a great day and a safe summer and remeber this diary!!
Ah the spa, I've never been. Is it worth it?
nothing up with this popular hottie. just working too much...
why do you love greg
I am back. public.
yeah that deleting out of nowhere bullshit happens to me a lot too. i either copy all the text every few minutes or i write it in word first. annoying.