
a piece of my writing...... "The crashing through the tree's ahead of him starts to fade as John tries to pick up speed through the deep, wet snow. His body aches from hours of strain and adernalin pumping through his veins. He tells himself he can't give up and pushes himself harder into the deep dark woods. The falling snow is getting thicker and thicker by the minute; making following the deep red blood harder and almost impossible to see. Nearing the point of exhaustion John stops to catch his breath and listen. The cold starts to really set in as he stands there, all he can hear is the pounding of his heart and the thoughts in his head. Leaning agains't a big tall spruce to be sheltered slightly from the snow, he slowely drifts away." "John wakes back up suddenly he squints his eyes looking deep into the snowing wall infront of him thinking he had heard something. There it is again he says to himself as he hears the slightest crack of a limb. Trying to wake back up he slowely and begins to walk toward the evil sound knowing full well what truely lies ahead of him. Filled with the most underscribeable hate and anger he pushes himself even harder and deeper into the timber. He can feel it now, he was gaining on the evil creacher that had taken everything from him. John begins to jog through the snow as he reaches a clearing and stops... recognizing the place and not knowing where from chills him completely through the bone, colder than the blizzard itself. He steps out into the clearing, reaching down to his wasteline he pulls out his old hunting knife he got as a boy from his first kill. This is the place. This is where it all ends." "Being filled with passion and an unseen energy he steps out into the white medow............."
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Like totally awesome dude!
Yer talented!
~Love, me~