saw ur show, sry didnt get 2 say hi 2 u there, but nice job!!
p.s. omg, i laffed at the hat thingy!! fire that kid!! lol!
thanks and srry i haven't talked to u in awhile i've been busy!
B what happened to our friends lists?
heyy!!! i hav excitment in mi life. the guy i lyk i think lyks me!!mi frends sya he does!! nd it anoys me n im nervice n stuff! lyl bibi

ugh i need a life too ! your not alone bethany !
ugh, i have NOooOOO life, i am desperate and alooone and booooreed!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!
hmm... well if it's excitement you want, you need to go jump in a pit with a bunch of angry lions... that always cheers me up...