Jeff Bland Enjoys Drugs

Feeling: whimsical
This entry is completely Jeff bland. Espeically the wet part. Jeff enjoys long walks on the beach with famined potatoes and legumes. Julia and I don't catch on to Jeffs potato famine jokes. But after a while, we understand. I have 8 minutes to kill. I'm going to restart jeff's computer again now. He blocked me. I've done it twice already today. Jeff has a llama to his right. Haha he looked to the left and I restarted his computer. Again. Thats 3 times. I have 7 more minutes to kill. I'm going to put a random picture in here for you. Of jeff bland. enjoy us. Image hosted by
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im just sayin somthing cuz i like bland. sup dude
im just sayin somthing cuz i like bland. sup dude
im just sayin somthing cuz i like bland. sup dude