Listening to: portugal vs. holland game on t.v
Feeling: blah
What time is it now: 1.36 pm
Your Name: ana
Your Nickname: anita, ana banana, mechis
Your Online Name: meant2beblonde90
Your sex: Female
Your Age: 14
Your Sign: Capricorn
Your height: 5'6"
Hair color: brown
Eye color: brown
Hair length: past my shoulders
Do you wear glasses: yup
Are your teeth straight: almost
Do you have a fake tooth: Nope
Do you have a fake eye: cool!... no i dont
Your religion: catholic
Highest level of school: 8th grade
Do you work: No.
How do you dress: like every1 else
Do you smoke: no
Do you drink: nope
Do you do drugs: no
Do you have friends: yeah
Do you have online friends: yeah!
Do you like your friends: yeah
Do you like your online friends: yeah they r da best!
Got any kids? No
Got any pets? yes
Got a car?i wish!!!!!!
Live on your own? No.
Live with your 'rents? Yes.
Type of music: ¡§preppy¡¨ Rock lol n Rap
Actor: Eddie Murphy
Actress: dunno
Movie: Lots
Soda: coke
Food: Anything
Car: mustang convertible! I love dose!
Hobby: I gotz lots
Sport: soccer n baseball
Musician: lots
Song: too many
Color: baby blue n pink!
TV Show: dat 70s show
Brand of beer: i dont like beer
Brand of liquor: dunno
Brand of smokes: eww
Brand of drug: -drygas have a brand??!
Brand of clothes: gap, Abercrombie, sumtimes I like ltm2
Record Lable: I dont know
Brand of glue: Elmers i guess.
Online test: dunno
Online chat thing: AIM.
Shape: Heart
Place: Weston n Venezuela
Year: 2003 wus da best! But da end sucked big time!
Holiday: x-mas n halloween
Quote: idk¡K..
Drink: water
Have you lied: of course
Do you lie: yes
Do you lie often: yes
Do you lie to save your own ass: Yes
Do you lie to save someone else ass: Yes
Would you tell a lie that stopped your death but caused the death of your lover: idk¡K.. I have 2 think bout ill get bak 2 u on dat lol
Would you tell a lie that stopped your death but caused the death of your enemy: probably
Would you tell a lie that let you keep your job but fired your friend: idk
Would you tell a lie that let you keep your job but fired "that bitch you work with": yeah!
Would you lie to gain money: yeah
Do you enjoy lying to strangers: uhhh... yea
Have you ever enjoyed lying to a stranger: yes
Would you dare to lie in the face of evil: yeah
Would you dare to lie in the face of your mother: Yes
Would you dare to lie in the face of your God: no
Would you lie to get laid: no
Would you lie to get a job: yeah
Have you lied to get a job: no
Would you lie to get a date: no
Are lies really that harmless: Sometimes.
Do you lie on online surveys to make yourself seem super cool: no
Do you lie online: idk
If lying is sinful are you going to hell: i hope not
Love life:
Are you single: yes
Are you with someone: no
Are you married: no
Are you divorced: no
Are you "Separated": no
Are you "on break": no
Ever been in love: yea
How many times: 2 high 2 count lol
Looking back do you regret it: no
Do you date people you meet online: no
Are you happy with your current status, why: not really
Do you have a crush on someone close to you: yeah
Are you still holding on to the past: no i let go! woohoo!
The following apply to you?
Witty: no
Charming: err no
Quiet: HELL NO!!
Loud: yea!!
Pretty: thats for u to tell me
Radical: wats that.....
Sucky: no....?
Smart: kinda
Stupid: kinda
Dumbass: not really.....
Ugly: no im not ugly!!! lol
Slow: yeah!
Fast: no
Talented: in some ways
Useless: yeah
Punk: no
Young: yeah
Old: no
Past your prime: huh?? wut is dat
You're just reaching your prime: wats prime?
Dashing: ?????
Daring: aww yeah! lol
Dainty: ???
Powerful: no
Athletic: sumtimes
Artistic: yea
Superhuman: ooh fun!
The following are Good/Bad
Love: Good and bad
Happiness: Good.
Rap: good
Pain: depends on what kind
Pop music: okay
Anime: pig show is god
MTV: good
Country: bad
Metal: hate it!
Nu-Metal: wth is nu-metal?!
Death Metal: hate it!
Industrial: say wut?
Punk Rock: some is good
Easy Listening: huh?
Korn: bad
Murderous Rampages: bad...wth is dat?
Nintendo: sumtimes once in a millin
Play Station: sumtimes once in a millin yrs
Game Boy: sumtimes once in a millin yrs
Chinese Food: good
Italian Food: good
Japanese Food: good
Mexican Food: good
Online Quizzes: good
Online Surveys: Good
Whats your deep dark secret: Like i'd tell you.
Whats your biggest fear: bugs, spiders........... n idk wut else
What is the most embarrassing thing that's happened to you: Lots of things
Anime isn't that bad is it?: wth is dat........
You agree that DVD is much better than VHS right? yea!
Do you hate America: no
Do you hate terrorism: yeah
Do you think America shouldn't be involved in the Mid East why:i dont even get this stuff
Do you hate western culture: no
Do you like America: yes
Did you vote for Bush: I didn¡¦t vote
Do you think Bush is doing a good job: no not really, everythin 2 his has 2 do w. war in sumway
Are you Canadian, you fuck: no
Do you believe your country is doing okay or would you change things: not GREAT, but not horrible
Are you conservative or liberal? Wth is dat?
Do you think immigration in America is out of hand? idk
Do you think that group of black people suing some southern company for profiting on slavery in the 1800's has a good claim? Dat wus a long time ago!
Or do you think if they actually win, that every Native American should sue England, France and Spain for invading them, and profiting off them? no
Do you like it? uh huh!!!
Do you have any? 100 sumthin bucks
Do you make a lot of it? no
Do you get your money through illegal ways? no
Do you pay taxes? no
Do you think you shouldn't have to? no!
Who did you get this survey from? dunno
What time is it? 1.21 PM
what time did you go to sleep last night?: like 12:30
what was the last noise you heard before you fell asleep?: idk I was fallin asleep
the last thing you said?: I dont remember
what did you dream about?: I 4got
do you drool or snore when you sleep?: i normally tlk in my sleep n i walk
when did you wake up?: 8.30
how did you wake up?: idk I just did stop askin such stupid question!
what's the first thing that crossed your mind when you woke up?: no skool 2day!!!
when was the last time you took a shower?: this morning
where was the last place you went outside of your house?: school
who was the last friend you saw?: nicole
who was the last friend you talked to?: arianne
who couldnt you live without?: bob my invisible friend!!!
what's your favorite song?: Lots
favorite lyric?: too many
favorite group?: 2many
favorite album?: too many
how many times have you been in love?: 2 hig 4 me 2 count
are you in love anyone right now?: mayb¡K.
if you could kill one person, who would it be?: katina n oscar
how many pillows are on your bed?: 2
what color is the bottle of shampoo you use, and what kind is it?: herbal essence
what color is the soap you use and kind?: green!
what color is your razor?: pink!! lol
what kind of deoderant do you use?: Secret
what kind of cologne/perfume do you wear?: Gucci rush 2, adidas, n diesel
do you use lotion?: baby lotion
how long are your nails right now?: short
how old is the computer you're on?: not even 1 yr
who was the last person to annoy you?: oscar
the last person you danced with?: jose
how long are the showers you take?: normally 30 mins or more
how many showers do you take a week?: like 9
do you love your parents?: yup
do you love your siblings?: I don¡¦t have any
what's the worst thing that ever happened to you?: Ugh, lots of things
the last time you wished you were dead?: never
the last time you felt important?: yesterday
the last time you screamed?: Yesterday
have you ever physically hurt yourself?: no
how smart are you?: smart enough 2 get good grades
what person are you extremely attracted to, and not just because of looks?: ummmm idk neva thought of dat
do you like being outside?: sometimes
what one person do you know you could always turn to?: andrea, ellissa, bee, stephy, lauren
who do you look up to?: All my friends
is emotional pain or physical pain worse?: both
where do you want to live?: Weston!! N venezuela
how many scars are on your body?: a lot cuz I fall or trip
how many people do you love?: All my friends
who's your best friend?: ellissa, bee, stephy, andrea
who do you turn to for advice?: andrea
if you could bring back one person from the dead, who would it be?: both my granpas I never got 2 meet 1 of them ƒ¼
on a scale of 1-10, how happy are you?: 6
on a scale of 1-10, how depressed are you?: 2
what color are the sheets on your bed?: pink!!! Lol idk
how many cds do you own?: Lots
what are 3cds you wish to own?: too many
when was the last time you were sick? Like 2 weeks ago
are you hurting anywhere right now?: nope!
who do you wish was near you that isn't?: jose n carlos! Lol n andrea
what do you wish you were doing right now?: being at Weston!
when was the last time you had a nightmare?: a cpuple days ago
are you talking to anyone right now?:yup!
what are you talking about?: francisaca
who's the last person you were on the phone with?: arianne
are you pale?:kinda not really
when was the last time you brushed your hair?: this morning
have you ever wanted plastic surgery?: no
how many screen names do you have?: 2 many
which one do you use the most? meant2beblonde90 n hyperismyname90
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