An update sort of

Listening to: none sadly v.v
Feeling: artistic
Hm,well, I haven't written here in a while. No one really looks at it I guess that's why o_O But I'll write a little something now. I'm in digital imaging and the next assignment I have to do requires zee pictures of friends or w/e so I must get batteries for my camera oooor find some way to do it with the teachers camera. But I don't know yet what crowd scene I want to photograph but this is an example of what it must look like.

So I have to take the picture: print it out: trace it: scan it: and color it in on P.S. Should be fun, no? Si. I suck at drawing and will probably suck at the tracing so I can't wait to see how this all end sup lol. *excitedness*. I feel like doing a bio of someone or something, but I don't know how or what. Maybe King Henry the 8th? I just watched a docu on him the other day on national geo. Man that guy was crazy and slutty xD Yep. But I don't know. Oh! Wanted to do one on Vlad *points to picture over entry* Vlad Dracula or...Vlad The Impaler. Dun dun dun. Nice macabre story there as well. But I shall see, for now I'll find a way to occupy myself. Arrivederci :3
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dark hair and light eyes 0.o verry pretty