Lordy lordy...

Lordy lordy. Oh dear. I was quite the male magnet today. It was nice. I was feeling hottoday too. So one bloke was this kid named Ryan. He's absolutely adorable, still a bit short for a High Schooler, but adorable. Nice long hair, and a sweet face like he's the most innocent thing ever. He's so fun. Then there was my soccer friend from Into Soc. Hon. We watched the movie together in the auditorium as the rest of the school took tests. And eventually we ended up making fun of the movie. Lord of the Rings The Two Towers is a good movie, cinematic gold, but you can only sit quietly for so long in an auditorium of 200 people, you know? And we were quiet too. And sitting rather close. Twas fun. Then this kid in Science was digging me. Basically I was sex on a leash. It was hot. What fun. I had a great day. Even if I have to do testing tomorrow and it will suck. Stupid standardized tests. Only 3 more years left though, right?
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nice diary!