Lighters and Hair

i love you guys! MOST of you anyways! like pink skittles. she left me a comment and made me realize something. im not a slut. im different... that can sound really wrong. but anyways. me and a few other people in my school and more daring then others.cough*KYRA*cough. some people cough*KYRA*cough are scared to tell the principal that her or hes boy/girl friend tried to burn their hair with a lighter. it turned out better then you'd think but thats a different story. Kyra you need to be a little more daring to have alot of fun. but your still cool the way you are. love ya guys Ali
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daring? "run around outside naked in -30c weather" daring, or "have sex without protection" daring?

I'm not in the mood to be daring... I'd rather hide under a rock... and I'm glad I didnt rat him out, becuase he'll back my ass up if I'm in a jam. so HA!

anyways, I feel really bitchy today, i'm sorry... I hate christmas... ugh
and who needs to be daring to have fun?

daring my ass.

I'm daring.

shutup you.