i love you guys!
MOST of you anyways!
like pink skittles. she left me a comment and made me realize something. im not a slut. im different... that can sound really wrong. but anyways. me and a few other people in my school and more daring then others.cough*KYRA*cough. some people cough*KYRA*cough are scared to tell the principal that her or hes boy/girl friend tried to burn their hair with a lighter. it turned out better then you'd think but thats a different story.
Kyra you need to be a little more daring to have alot of fun. but your still cool the way you are.
love ya guys
I'm not in the mood to be daring... I'd rather hide under a rock... and I'm glad I didnt rat him out, becuase he'll back my ass up if I'm in a jam. so HA!
anyways, I feel really bitchy today, i'm sorry... I hate christmas... ugh
daring my ass.
I'm daring.
shutup you.