Listening to: Wait and bleed - Slipknot
Feeling: awesome
Today was SWEET! ok lemme fill u in since i last wrote.
Lately I've been dirtbiking alot, which kicks ass cause i love dirtbiking.
my grades are climbing which is good too
Sid had a sleepover/birthday party with me and 8 other ppl, it was the most fun ive had in a long time
There was a squirtgun fight (yea, theyre childish, but it was a hot day and we dont have paintball guns)
Dieter was climbing a tree and EVERYONE even his teamates shot him in his crotchal area, fuckin great
There was halo and GTA at the house, plus TV and we were hangin out in sids room talkin all serious and shit until tobin started chasing us with his dick, creepy, he got ritchies head
we made a HILARIOUS movie and that was good, we were gonna...uh...nevermind
so yea its all good
Today was sweet cause 2 girls admitted they like me (i dont like them but its cool that 2 girls like me)
I hung out with Carol (heart eyes) alot today
and were building our relationship up more everyday ^^
Me and David (like my best Ak friend) hung out alot and built a sweet place in the woods, its awesome, got all the shit u need to live, including porn!
So yea my day is goin great, but ya kno how karma works, tomarrow is gonna suck
Oddly enough i feel alot of love in my heart right now.....
Jasmine (shes like 2 years older than me) is gonna ask me to the dance, which is great cause shes REALLY hot bad note, i found out yesterday that my step-dad is a coke-head....yea
but that doesnt ruin my mood right now ^^
PLZ leave comments i want more input from people, tell your friends to tell their friends! lol laterz
guys slumber parties rock more then chic parties...
that mario thingy is HILERIOUS!!!