
Introduction: Many employees will come across prank callers some time while they are at work. “A prank call, also known as a crank call or a hoax call, is a form of practical joke committed over the telephone” (Wikipedia). Prank calling may be amusing for the caller; but for the victim, it can be pretty annoying. Unfortunately, some prank calling can go too far. “Calls that are considered ‘obscene’ are illegal in most states. For instance, religious people might get upset and call the cops if you pull a risqué prank on them” (Prank Calls and the Law). Well, in our experiment, we wanted to measure the tolerance levels of employees that answer the phones. As we call them, we So far, nobody else has run an experiment like this before.
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Charlsy--call me baby

Arby’s on Indian Bend: (480) 905-1814 Arby’s on McDowell: (480) 941-0543 Arby’s on Thomas: (602) 957-0135 Taco Bell on Frank Lloyd Wright: (480) 860-9702 Taco Bell on 90th street: (480) 451-4175 Taco Bell on Via De Ventura: (480) 491-8226 Burger King on Via Linda: (480) 314-3313 Burger King on Hayden: (480) 998-5731 Burger King on Thomas: (480) 946-2399
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another day...

Listening to: ...
Feeling: down
Sometimes I can't wait for school to get out, and other times I want it to last forever. Today is one of those days when I can't wait for it to end. later foos
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Listening to: Marlon's rap shit :)
Feeling: good
This weekend was great! I went to Killoran's partay on Saturday which was sooo fun! I played videogames and felt like one of the guys, haha. Anyway, but now I'm back at school and there's already such drama!!! Journalism is like the Real World/Road Rules challenges. Crazy inner circles! Step off mah foo! "THIS GAME IS UGLY!" - Rachel --C.PA
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Listening to: evan talking smack
Feeling: adored
Well today is coo. Except that math sucks and it makes me cry. Ummmmmmmmmmmmm Journalism is boring right now cuz no one is talking. Lata. -C.Pa
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Listening to: Tipsy-JKWAN!
Feeling: tormented
Time for a new layout. Journamizzleschizzle was pretty odd today. We had to make an ad, then C.Pa and I went into the back with Etang and Marlon. And we played Sinatra and the backstreet boys for Etang. Which he didn't like so much. Whateva and now I'm waiting to meet with an insurance guy and I kinda gotta say I miss da foo. I'm going to a concert tonight with Ayla for Paul and Stood up Shot Down. They were protesting after school today and it was like whoah. John (Tori's brother) was wearing his hat the wrong way. :( Evan, I saw him afterschool, cause Tori had something to say, but yea...Evan's coo and I apologize...CPa and I are like his bestest friend and we will stop teasing our BFF!
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Listening to: nothing
Feeling: bored
I am so bored. I'm sitting here, talking to Marlon about math. And it's hella hot in this room. bah. C.PA
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Charlsy's Corner, Part II

Listening to: someone singing
Feeling: alive
"Ew, there's hair on the keyboard." That's my morning quote. It's 9:52 right now and i'm kneeling on the floor typing in Journalism because Laurie as the chair. Stop reading my entries....EVAN l8a suck@s evan's our BFF NOT!
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Listening to: people typing
Feeling: lame
coo mood huh? Laurie and I don't know what it means though. Anyway, like our new pic? ^^ Coo huh? Well...we're off. LATA SUCKAS.
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Listening to: Evan talking
The foos are in journamizzleschizzle. We are sitting by Evan! The coolest cock-eyed hat wearer. Marlon was on the front page. How ironic. Since we're in journamizzleschizzle. That was fun! L.Jo. C.Pa says hi
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Two Foos

Feeling: sleepy
"This is way cooer than livejournal." Yes...cooer Charlsy and I decided to start a SIT diary for fun... We just got back from the mall and C.Pa. owes me $5. That's our day in a nut shell. Then we looked up ringtones...etc. Time for C.Pa's entry. Later
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