Listening to: Marlon's rap shit :)
Feeling: good
This weekend was great! I went to Killoran's partay on Saturday which was sooo fun! I played videogames and felt like one of the guys, haha. Anyway, but now I'm back at school and there's already such drama!!! Journalism is like the Real World/Road Rules challenges. Crazy inner circles! Step off mah foo! "THIS GAME IS UGLY!" - Rachel --C.PA
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HAHAHAH i remeber that "this game is ugly" and u know what I AGREE SOOOOO HARDCORE!!! r fricken class is like some show on ESPN its like lets purposfully pair two people that hate eachother together and see what they can do lol! But u guy's r my homies as much as u make fun of me... u guys and marlon have made journalism fun this year and im glad ull be there again next year to keep me company! --By the way its Kanye West not "that rap shit"-EVAN
haha yea funk dat drama! Journalism got fun when I started chilling with melc haha of course, Cpa my home dawg (who is part of MELC...but whateva) you know what I mean. And funk dat rap shit that he plays. jay kay. I have mad love for you homies.
hahah homes.
The game is ugly as FUCK! haha jk