Listening to: We\'re Not Supposed to be Lovers | Adam Green
Feeling: yucky
went to my college of choice today to inquire about my enrollment. that should be happening sometime on monday? maybe then or tuesday.
as i sat there on/walked around campus for 3-4 hours waiting for my neighbor to get out of her soar meeting, it occurred to me that college felt right. and i felt in place. and i bought a book : Dr.Faustus by Marlowe. it's good. it's more of a play, but i enjoyed it.
also, lots of college kids have ipods so i don't feel special anymore. bah to that. i bet they don't all have good music on theirs though. whatever.
spoke to cristina while there for about a half hour about something pretty damn important. and i had some sad revelations. but they were very needed because i couldn't continue fooling myself.
lately i've been misspelling "know" as "konw". what's up with that?
i miss gerri terribly.
i am in love with mUsic.
I would be the happiest wife ever!!
oh well...maybe I'll marry all the guys from Dead Poetic :0(
I'm such a homo
and she was very cool.... :0)
Chris misses her too
shhhh don't tell him I said that
remember that one short white kid...he would always bust out the "crotch move" when he got to school....cause I think he had to much of that Mocha were good times
oh yeah and there was that one time..when we were listening to some emo...if I'm not mistaken it was Dead Poetic!!! wooooo
we rock....we should be president and vice president of Mars
most def!
I'll leave this anonymous and see if you can guess the kind of humor.
cris(the girl)