Listening to: Bright Eyes-Oh, You Are the Roots that Sleep Beneath My Feet & Hold the Earth in Place
Feeling: carefree
last night my sister, christy and i went to the beach.
we had a really long good talk and then christy and i went into the water.
it was awesome.
i've come to the realization that i am a good person and i am fun to be around and if someone doesn't want to hang out with me because of something stupid then they don't deserve to be around me in the first place.
i make things fun.
i make hanging out fun.
if you don't want fun then fuck you.
people need to stop with the self pity.
things aren't that bad.
chances are you are a good person too. and if someone doesn't want to be around you or be with you, then it's THEIR FUCKING LOSS.
fuck them.
you're better off
Rmystique16 [12:56 AM]: when i grow up i want to help think up titles for porns
Rmystique16 [12:56 AM]: like the lovely titles i saw tonight
Rmystique16 [12:56 AM]: "edward penishands"
Rmystique16 [12:56 AM]: "vivir mamando"
Rmystique16 [12:56 AM]: "white butt dripping chocolate nuts"
Rmystique16 [12:56 AM]: "rumpensteins' monster"
Rmystique16 [12:56 AM]: classics
Digitalblinker [12:56 AM]: lmao!
Digitalblinker [12:56 AM]: stopstop!
Rmystique16 [12:56 AM]: haha
Digitalblinker [12:57 AM]: gone with the wip
Digitalblinker [12:57 AM]: *swhingggg*
Digitalblinker [12:57 AM]: calm down domanitrix
Rmystique16 [12:57 AM]: haha
Digitalblinker [12:57 AM]: Y TU MAMAN tambien
Rmystique16 [12:57 AM]: hahahahahaha
and a good song
just thought i'd let you know =)
you are indeed a mCspicy friend. :]
and about the last part... i dunno about that onee..cause well...i DO know about that onee...mmm..
what? what? oh snaps. I sitll gotta visit you! fuck fuck! stupid distance. shoot it! shoot it now!
oh man.. are you gonna adopt me holmes!!!
that's too g unit for meee :]