People say marijuana is dangerous but how can anyone one say that if there are around 400,000 deaths a year from tobacco 150,000 from alchol(not including high way deaths and murdurs) an estimated 14000-27000 leagal drug overdoses, and the survey says the have been 0 yeah thats right 0 deaths accoutable for marijuana.
Now think about that.
If cigarettes are legal and causing that many deaths and weed is illeagal and causeing 0 deaths i think there is something wrong with that dont know. The numbers are there but its because of straight edge mother fuckers who cant see that marijuana is does more good than harm.
I smoke weed almost everyday which means i probably kill so many brain cells but i still happen to get great grades in school and i do better on test when im stoned so weed has helped me. HAHAHAHA!!!!!!
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