i found myself 2 months ago. who would of thought i would be under my bed of all places.i thought i would of been in my closet.but nope i must of got angry at myself and desided to put it out of place.some were i wouldnt think never to look but i looked and found.so this leaves me to say three things.
1.my bed is not a good place to put myself when i get mad.
2.now that i have found it i dont need this journal to complain about my lose.
3.im back to my old journal. the journal where i had myself skin and all and to a nother journal where i started out from where i found myself.
anounsment: if you would like to know where that journals is ask and the comment you will resive by me will be from that old journal.
the taxi driver said where is your destanation.
the passangers respones:any were but here.
.naked in the closet
..naked is in the air
._D.S.Lovenaked ?
dear indiana.
its scary when things start to look up.
i have been accepted to both colleges i app for i have chosen the one im going to and let the other one know.im in the process now in finding out if i can afford it and to see how much the goverment will give me or loan me.im geting papers in march to find a apartment and roomates it will be nice moving to massachusetts to prosue my dream in become a photographer.
im heading up to chicago this weekend to vist my best friend im quite excited as well im geting a new 700 dollar digital camera which i sould get by the end of the month im hoping before my birthday which is on the 22 of this month.
also school has greatly changes for the good this half of the year only have one really learning class english 12 which is pretty good for being my only real class the rest of my classes are either art classes or student asst.
well that all the new stuff i have to say.
i felt very unchristmasie this year
who cares
did i tell you about the things that eat people
and im not talking about those god damn zombies that everyone is so apest with
im taking about hope
so unlikeing it would eat people
so it wants you to believe
im a its victim
something is missing these days
i lose myself years ago
and i havent yet found it
even if i tell myself i did
it is true im still lost somewhere
may be in the snowy moutians of colorado
i feel a little be like dieing
those are the sad moments.
i feel a little like living
those are the moments of dreams
i feel a little like swimming
those are the moments of wishing
i feel a little like running
those are the times were life seems forgiving
i live this off my saying that i will be away from the internet for quite some time starting dec 1st to all the friends i have made you were all stangers to me once funny thing you are the onces that changed my life the most.
tell the day i return
take care my dear friends
p.s im accepting pen pals so if anyone wants just email me your mailing address.
mine email is radioflyerpilots@yahoo.com
and i shall give you mine from there.
-Amanda Olbrys Requiem
the weirdest thing happened to me today at lunch. i was siting and all of asudden i say a object fling my way then when it it me in the face i relise it was a plastic jucie packet.
but i didnt act like a normal person i didnt get up charge over there like a horse and demand to know who throw the packet and yell and make a scene. i just sat there looking at them then said"at least you can do is come up to me and say i throw it you dont have to say sorry" of course none confessed why would they it was funny to see a girl get hit in the face with a juice packet. then i thought to myself why didnt i get mad why didnt a demand what i know i was intitled to.
mybe i finely relise this world i shit
thats why i have to save what i can around me so i will not get pulled into it.
what if a lover sharing a bed with you was like a cat sharing a bed with you.
that they did this little cute things randomly.
then start licking your face
to show they were thankful for sleeping in a nice warm bed with you.
PeekABoo en vivo: WITH MY SNOUT
PeekABoo en vivo: IN A DROUT
PeekABoo en vivo: WITH A MOUSE
PeekABoo en vivo: WERES MY HOUSE
my dear diskobox: IN A HOUSE
my dear diskobox: WEARING A BLOUSE
ooo you make me mad sometimes todd
i feel im losing
yes it was one of those days
were i wished this place would desapper
and all that is ahead of me is a long road.
Do You Realize
do you realize
that you have the most beauiftul face
do you relize
we're floating in space
do you realize
that happiness makes you cry
do you realize
that everyone you know will die
instead of saying all of your goodbyes
let them know you realize thatlife hoes fast
its hard to make the good things last
you realizethe sund doesnt go down itsjust an illusion coused by the world spinning around
-The Flaming Lips
it fucking cooled
if you heard that voice would you have packed your bags and disapered
if you knew of what they said was true would you case after something so wrong
your body tells you things noone of human flesh can
your body sees things that other things cant
we'll you listen if this voice keeps telling what your body wants you to hear
or will you do something so wrong your body wants you to leave her be.
get your feet on the ground and run that road like the many times you pictured it when
you go so hangary you shoved your face in your pillow to make everything beautiful again.
close your eye and image yourself free
i will feast off of
chicago sunday
2-8pm of anything i want to do
just me and chicago on a fall afternoon
im going to take it all in with one bite
i hate when i get those pieces of skin that come from the side of my nails and when you try to bite them off they sting.
on another note:
im drinking spain
so lets see brooks the professonal photography school in California called my house and stated i forgot to put my high school name on my app and the 100 dollar app fee so when i get paied next monday i will be minus 100 dollars
and my liver.
important fact of knowledge:
Amanda OLbrys Requiems dont sleep
my evidence show that at 2:15 in a the morning Amanda has been up for almost for ever and doesnt show any sign of drossyness
or a upset stumch.
i believe she might even be dead but yet not asleep
it not normal to want to
turn plastic
not quite a babie
not really living
get me the fuck out of here