Bummed out

Listening to: Green Day
Feeling: bummed
Last night was really fun. I went to the varsity game with Megan, Lauren Prather, and Ashley. Jon was there. We actually held hands. Which really surprises me, cause he's usually really prude about that kind of stuff. The bad thing is, Jon broke up with me this morning before first block. He said that people were pressuring him too much to go out with me, and he said that he thought that he might have started to like me once we started going out, but I guess he didnt. Haha. but when he did it, he did it in person for one, and two, he wasnt an ass about it. he was like " I felt like i would have been an ass if i wouldve said no and wouldnt have gone out with you, cause you liked me so much, but now i feel like an even bigger ass because im doing this. I think i like you better as a friend." So he wasnt like a dick about it, he was really sweet, and thats what i like about Jon, hes a sweet guy. But im just glad we can still be friends. Im out Nic
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don't worry! i still love you.

syl's mad that you told katzer about her and matt.

This is Lauren! Why didn't you tell me that you had one of these damn things!! Okay.. check mine out sometime, love you boo! =)