4 Day weekend AGAIN

ANOTHER FO DAY WEEKEND. I cant wait!! I'm goin to tha Rockaway Mall with Sarah nd some utha pplz on BLACK FRIDAY!!! ha I {HEART} ROCAWEAR ^^^ AND CHiNGY / JEAH BOii Maniac Magenta! You are crazy and so much fun to bearound! In your group of friends, you are mostlikely the funny one with all of the crazyideas of fun stuff to do! background="http://publish.hometown.aol.com/imperfections485/myhomepage/bg_030.gif"> What reject crayon color are you? brought to you by Quizilla
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mally mall with pm n pk

Omg today the mall was SO FRiKKIN FUN. nd i accually ended up having money. We went to against all odds nd we were gettin stared at by the guy that worked there nd he was all flirting nd shyt now thats big pimpin [i x3 pink panther]. i had to clean ALL DAY to get $40 thats it?!?! how cheap i didnt buy much i got 2 aeropastle t shirts, earings, nd those little diamondy things yu put on ur phone. now im bored as shyt BLAH is the rest of my night lol
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Some Speciial shoutz

ALY.D-OMG THE HORNY DONKEY WHOA LMFAO iFLU MY GIRLITO [BOBALINA AND THE ZEROS]LMMFAO!!!! IVELIS-OMG im so sorry about your abuelita =[ feel better my PR cutie CHINA,JULISSA,BEATRICE-holy shiznokers i x3 yu cutiez;] yu guys r sOo frikkin cool muahzizzle right china *wink wink* LMAO0O0O MARY- holy crap TYLER LMAO ilu girlie YER SO DAMN FUNNY YU FREAK LMAO CANT WAiT FOR NYC =] DANiELA MARTiNEZ TRiSH KOENEN ALY DiNARDO CHiNA CORTES ^^iM GOiN WiTH THE COOLEST PEEPS EVER
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4 day weekend OH YEAH

Today was really fun jajajajaja...like usual i chilled with Julissa nd Beatrice in the only class i have wit em' =[ nd the dumbasses were fighting about something stupid [i dont have a clue] nd omg Marco is hot no jpjp lmao MRS RIGGS IS A BIZMOTCH JUST SO YU GUYS ALL KNOE GRRRRRR lol nice exlamation point right *wink*. OMG I CANT CHILL WITH CHINA WATTA BUMMER SHES GOING TO NYC ND NOT TAKING ME LMAO. damn i am really cravin some i am DEAD BROKE nd im plannin to go to the mall tomorrow lol. im so bored!!! i still needa man how lame me nd john just broke up so im not thrivin to much lmao. is all i need lol. oOoooo ice cream i gtg PAYCE
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Last Cheer Practice

WOW today was accually a good day :'o ... skool was normal as hell, except today there was no trouble goin on but that lil snitch lauren got dinahlee 5 days detention 4 SOMETHING STUPID!! after skool i went to our last cheerleading practice until nxt yr :'[ we did really good today and the best part is competition is the FRIKKIN 29 yayzlez lol, I'M 99.999999999% SURE WERE GONNA WIN!!!! except the other 000000001% in cuz were up against varsity [what kinda unfair crap is that?!?!] lol.... well im back to my normal old boring I.M. life [by the way s.n is PiiNky x3 WiiNky ] yu kno yu love it lol
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Grandfather Died

My grandfather died the other day it was really sad cuz it was the first time he was happy and he was as active as a highschooler and a stupid mistake killed him... His house has a river and kayaks in the back and he wanted to go kayaking and the water was really rough and the wife he's only been married to for 2 years begged him 8 times not to go (but hes stobborn) and he thought it was safe so he went and he fell out and was holding onto the tree nd she called 911 nd when they got there EVERYONE was there (like big fish lol) and he was holding on and he said the hypothermia was setting in and he let go and his wife collapsed on the ground (i feel really bad for her) and too days ago the found his life jacket but not him and he's still missing but even though its impossible for him to be alive... i still got hope R..I..P..Thomas Richard Mangeiri
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Today wasn't THAT BAD. still stayin single good nd bad i guess. i went down to the Poconos to visit with my cousins Derek and Megan and i met their friends down there too... Megan and her friend Janelly were flipping out cuz me Dylan Joey and Derek were playing monkey in the middle teams with Janellys slippers (dont ask she's only 10) Janelly and Megan got SO P.O'd lol.... Joey Dylan and Derek are such dumbasses they jumped in the creek in the freezing rain and was practicly swimming in it (hey there related to me what do you expect hehe)
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OMG Sarah's asking out Marco for me AHHHHHH i wonder what he'll say omffgggg every time the phone rings ima flip OUT!!! this is freakin me out i havent ask some one i really liked out in a long time. usually they ask me ; ) i know im big pimpin' lol
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Good Day Gone Bad

Today was a really good day... for a while... i didnt get in trouble at ALL today!!! i found out neither aly d or aly c was mad at me AND me nd ivelis finally got to talk!! it was frikkin awesome until 8th period when i asked ivelis to ask adam out for me nd he said no :( oh well i guess tomorrow ill shoot for marco (i've had my eye on him any wayz hehe) i STILL have to finish cleaning the living room. I SWEAR i think my mom has O.C.D. (obsessive compultion disorder) she NEVER thinks any thing is good enough she's such a pain in the ass.!. I almost got in a fight today but the girl chikened out but i still told her off and almost made her cry cuz she made out with ashleys boyfriend and she KNEW ashley was goin out with him (wow messed up pplzz) when i walked into spanish class all my pplz were cheering for me nd ashley cuzza what happened... it was sOo funny
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One YeuNeeQ Biatch

I was so bored today... i didnt do any thing but sign up for this thing and being the dumb dumb i am i just figured out how to use it... i'm supposed to clean the living room to pay someone back and then im goin over my girl china's house (HEYYY) maybe i'll watch a movie or hopefully i'll get sick and i won't have to go to school tomorow, damn i cant believe i have to clean up such a frikkin mess!! oh well....
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