Today was really fun usual i chilled with Julissa nd Beatrice in the only class i have wit em' =[ nd the dumbasses were fighting about something stupid [i dont have a clue] nd omg Marco is hot no jpjp lmao MRS RIGGS IS A BIZMOTCH JUST SO YU GUYS ALL KNOE GRRRRRR lol nice exlamation point right *wink*. OMG I CANT CHILL WITH CHINA WATTA BUMMER SHES GOING TO NYC ND NOT TAKING ME LMAO. damn i am really cravin some i am DEAD BROKE nd im plannin to go to the mall tomorrow lol. im so bored!!! i still needa man how lame me nd john just broke up so im not thrivin to much lmao. is all i need lol. oOoooo ice cream i gtg PAYCE
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