The Pain inside

Listening to: Hoobastank
Feeling: annoyed
WEll, Hello again to whoever reads this thing still. A few changes from the last entry have accured. No wedding in july. I wont say why, but Im a bit on edge cause of it. I think augest in Omaha is the newest in the works, but I need to find out information about my leave befor we can yet again another "solid date". In the mean time, I will still be stuck in el arm-pito texas, going to tech school for the next 2 1/2 months. Im also training to be an airman leader, so hopefully in 2 weeks I will be putting on my green rope. But we'll see about that. My sister graduted highschool yesterday. I would never tell her, but Im really proud of her for graduating. I really wish I could of been there to see it but Pictures will have to suffice. Erin , congrats to you too. Im proud of you also! Ive been a little sick here lately , but I am planning on giving you a ring ASAP. Well Im gonna hit the sack now, Ive got a feeling that were gonna get a lovely early morning inspection tommorow. Adios for now.
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Aw shucks Dan, thanks. :D You made my day!! That's g2 stink to feel under the weather and have to still do your duties, attend classes, all that jazz. I'm really proud of YOU! you leader you. that's so awesome about your green ropes. i told the Kim girls you're probably getting married in Omaha now, and they're really super excited about that! they'd call more on my phone, but i don't think they're a big fan of phones. i know the thought of
leaving a message on your answering machine kinda freaks Gloria out for some reason, LOL. anyways tonight was the last AWANA, and it was really sad ... i really won't be around too too much next year ... anyways ... it was great seeing your 'rents twice this weekend, @ my party and @ Mary Ann's, and super seeing Mary Ann and Shelley @ May Anne's party!!! anyways, God bless!! get feeling better, keep your chin up, and I'm praying those 2.5 months
are fruitful for you, and that God will use those months to use you in the lives of others, as i'm MORE THAN SURE He's already been doing. He's a great God (understatement!!!!) and i know, by His grace, you're a more-than-willing vessel. talk to ya soon!
in Him,
erin :)

ps- i hope the months go fast for you as well!! ;)
Hey dude. Long time no...anything really. haha. Yeah, having my own place is nice in some respects but not so nice in others. Anyhoo...all new updates will be in my diary so....audios!
Hey, bud - How are ya? Drop me a line: I'll call sometime soon.
Texas is fun. YAY!! Don't hate on Texas. I'd kill to still be there. What are you? In the Military? You said "take leave" so Im just guessing. Well, um, question--R you all, Holy n Christian-like too? Well, thats nice. Nice journal. Yay 4 u! Hope you have a good wedding, whenever you get married!