Jan. 4, 2010.

Feeling: carefree

2010 so far has been ten times better than 2009 and it's only the forth day. :)

Friday Schuyler & Dayton came over for a couple hours! That was really fun, I miss Schuyler so mch. He's moving back in June, but i'm not supposed to tell anyone, I can't wait! he says he's going to start selling weed when he moves back, whatever. After they left, Taylor picked me up and I went to Bub & Mason's surprise party, it was a blast! I loved having everyone together and partying, oh I missed it. I stayed at yetti's after the party w/the babiigurls, that was the first time that the five of us had hung out all break, so that was really fun. We went to the dandy at 1AM to get food and almost got raped by a creeper. I wanted to get drunk, but AJ couldn't get our alcohol, so we had sober fun instead.

Saturday Meredith texted me and wanted to hang out, so she came over and hung out with me while I finished yetti's christmas presents, then we went to subway and went driving around. We discovered a new road and almost died on it from all the ice. We also almost killed a kitty, it was tragic! After she dropped me off I went to Riley's for the secret santa party. That was also really, really wonderful. It's the first time we had all our girls, and just our girls, together in foreverrr. Everyone had a really good time and yed really liked her present:). We watched paranormal activity and it was pretty scary. I got in a really big fight with Terra over the phone, i'm sick of her. She is way too attached to graham, it's actually unhealthy.. so ridiculous. Everyone fell asleep except for Riley, TaylorCoo, Ashey, Tiffany, TaylorWilms, and I. We stayed up until 8AM.. it was such a good time. I laughed the hardest I had laughed in a looong time. Once again, we were supposed to get alcohol and never did. Fuck people, no one is reliable. I can't wait til i'm 21. Yed and I wanted to leave and go smoke, but I wouldn't do that 'cause people might get pissed. Whatever, it was a good night.

Yesterday was uneventful. I skipped practice and slept all day.

Today was pretty lame as well, I hate school and I hate Mr.Henty.I'm going to fail his class for the year, but I quite honestly do not give a fuck. Fuck school. Fuck homework. Fuck failing classes. I wanna get drunk.

I'm on the phone with Evan, he's so cute. He shaved his beard and sideburns and he's so upset. He's still cute though. :) He makes me so happy.

I'm fighting with Devon. I hate him. He's a heartless, lying asshole. I can't believe I wasted so much time on him to be treated like shit. I can't believe I lost my virginity to him. I hated it. I never wanted to do it. I'm so upset that it happened like that. But I don't care. Go do some more coke, play some girls, and stay the fuck out of my life.. seriously. Fuck you and your BBJC. -shoutout to yegg:). bahaha.

I miss cheerleading, I should have done it.

I want my tongue pierced.

Our first indoor game is next week- soo pumped!

I'm done ranting. ppppeace:).

I can't live, I can't breathe, unless you do this with me.♥

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