You aint no G...

Feeling: tickled
hey again, i haven't been writing in here very reguarly mainly due to the fact that i don't really find much to write about anymore. On my other diary i had all sorts to talk mainly consisted of my depressive ramblings though so i think i'd rather have nothing to talk about than have to talk about how i slashed myself yet again... Yeah i was just reminising about how crap the past was and i mean everything about it, at the time i couldn't think of anything i wanted more than what i had and i just thought that i was meant to be unhappy i don't know it just seems like some of the people on here who complain i mean o.k. i understand that people have problems but it just seems that they could try and find a way out of them but i don't know there's some attraction in being depressed... ha foolish people...i'm so happy right now like aaaaall the time i mean obviously i get abit down sometimes like everyone does and stuff annoys me and yeh even when i get upset i think 'well...maybe i could just get that razorblade again'...but what's the point? there's nothing wrong with my life it's good and i'm, well, i'm super super happy! abit of a random entry there but hmm...just thinking... Aimee xXxXx p.s. i love louis so much! he's just super and the bestest and well he's just great and he makes me all happy! :D:D:D
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altho scruffmuck thinks she's going too...yeah right! with who eh? bcuz only emily wud go with her and she's not so HA! retard...was her bday
she wont live for her next one tho...mwahahaha and gummi n pedley got her some dog food...she tried laffin it off but it didnt work so we shoved it in
her locker..she turned on the waterworks (or to be 'in' with today's language...she started beefing!) and she sed she'll take us all to mr. tweedle
yeah like to see u try just let her kno how much i hated her, gimme detention if u want
dont you have friends? you never mention them. or dont they matter to you lol.
what the hell?