Stephen's Party...

Feeling: tickled
well hello everyone! Stephen's party was good yesterday even though i'm not looking forward to when those photos get developed...oh well. Louis was funny, he seemed very proud of himself and insisted on telling everyone something about me over and over He fell out with me though, i was not impressed. i so do not flirt with Jamie tsk! i don't like ANOYONE else other than Louis so he really has nothing to worry about... because i love him and he loves me (like a fat kid loves cake) hehe anyway we sorted it so everythings good again i was gonna ask if he wanted to go today but to be honest i'm too lazy... anyway i can't be bothered to write loads so i'm gonna go. i wish joony would have gone, that'd been good but she was in stoopid cambridge! tut! how silly! love aimee xxxx
Read 3 comments
emily didnt go either
aimee whats with these other 2 comments? hu is it??? lol luv emily xxxx