
Relinquishing junk. Stage One: preparation. For this you will need: one room which you will not leave; one mattress; tomato soup, ten tins of; mushroom soup, eight tins of, for consumption cold; ice cream, vanilla, one large tub of; Magnesia, Milk of, one bottle; paracetamol; mouth wash; vitamins; mineral water; Lucozade; pornography; one bucket for urine, one for feces, and one for vomitus; one television; and one bottle of Valium, which I have already procured, from my mother, who is, in her own domestic and socially acceptable way, also a drug addict.
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boreeedom boreedom.. b'dum b'dum

Listening to: im watching a movie
Feeling: awestruck
what the fuck is awestruck? uhh how are you? im pretty bored, watching the professional.. oh its fun! Ash: 'Help the world, smile at a sock today!' Jett: 'WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT MEANT TO MEAN *yells* WHO THE FUCK SMILES AT A SOCK!?!??!?!?! WHAT THE FARRRRRRK!??????????' Ash/Pat: 'Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha' Jett: no seriously.. it happened. ok? ok.. wow it's heaps lame i have to resort to sitdiary for my boredom.. rrrrrr.. i have this heaps cool sock but i cant find the other one, its so stupid. GOT TOLD I LOOKED LIKE NANCY YESTERDAYJDNEJHBFNJCSBJNJKH!!11 i dont look like a man well sometimes i do but i dont.. IM NOT A MAN!!! nancy is IM NOT cloe webbs pretty though i wouldnt mind looking like her but IM NOT A MAN!. im aaaaaaawwwll awonnnnee! you know this is the 3rd entry that has the word "bored" in it.. pretty lame
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almost new years eve . . another year another.. math thingo to solve.. another year.. wait i already said that. WELL tomorrow i shall be going to the city with ash and oscar and do stuff that is.. stuff?!?!?!?! yea that, annnnnnd at night prolly going to some party with spike and shall see if it goes well and if it isnt fun ill be heaps angry and take it out on ash i mean gabbo i mean AHHH LITTLE EMO BOYS!!!!!11 cougghghghhhhh long story and now i shall be off and stuff cos yea i have to get up heaps early to meet ash at town hall or something and woo tartan pants=hardcore dont deny ittt!!!!!!! I HATE YOU ALL!!! AHHHHHH
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im bored, what are you?

ok i did this pizza quizz thing and it bascly sums up what i am. i got Deep Dish "Chicago-style" Pizza which means.. You have a wild streak and like to live life to its fullest. You're likely to be a high school jock. You dream of being a sports star. You enjoy most movies --- comedy, drama, action-adventure. wow, how did they know my love for sports, wiirrrddd..
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