5.Bad day

so hmm this day started off pretty good, went to gym and that was a good class cuz we played batmitten again and me and Danielle just flung it across the net cuz umm yeah dummmb. And so the school part of the day was aright. BOCES suckkkkked.. And umm can we just say bitchess. and im not gonna say ne thin cuz thats NOT how i am, dont be sayin shit to me, you dont even NOW ME! just b/c i told someone something you said bout that person DONT mean shittt obviously i respect that person mooore. Hmm i just cant stand it and it made me wayyy upset.. DO i want to be in that class ne more? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. ihateit,maybificouldswitchclassesiwouldbearight. But yeahhhhh this girl wants to kick my ass now? hmm OKKKKKAY. whattttttever.. Obviously if you have to pick on me ur insecure with yourself OR SOMETHING.. get over it! Hmm whatever done complaining bouttt that.. i dont now what to do with that situatiooon but whatever. If you got suggestions or just want to say something bout it let me nooow:) Hmm so my birthday is coming and umm i CANT waiiit. so excited then i dont have to depend on bein home b4 9 ne more;) commentssss?
Read 4 comments
Oh my gosh, I love your diary! Its really cute! How do you get the entries on the side like that?
i like your diary, its bright and pretty. :)
The code didnt show upppp! And thanks, :) you have a great day too, i like the new background its super cute!
i LOVE badmitten