62. such a long time

So its been such a long time since i have written ne thing in here. ive been addicted to MySpace for awhile:X my bad.. haha.. so not much has changed, i graduated High school as everyone knows. So im in my second semster of my freshman year in College, first semster, was a breeze, enjoyed it. Now i hate this semster, so much work and so little time.. and i cant take it much longer.. might just flunk out, nope cant do that, but sometimes it would just be nice to not have to worry about that shit no longer:P anyways, other than that, not much has happened. i have learned who my true friends are and who arent, what else is new. made some new friends in college. work is shitty as ever :) but what ya gonna do about that? i just thinkkk that its ridicolouus howw, yeah nevermind not gonna get into it, otherwise ugh nvm. ah whatever i dont feel like typing ne more in this entry at the moment, so have a great evening everyone!!
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