another nite @ "O BAR"

So Friday when I came home from work I just wanted to watch movies for the rest of the night and go to bed. But of course it didn't happen that way. In the middle of watching TV with my mom my friend Claire called me, she wanted us to meet at her apartment to exchange some things I went there and I socialed with her and her friend then went home. By the time 9:00pm came I wanted to go out but I had no money. So 10 rolls by then 10:30 and I was beginning to accept my fate that I wasn't gona go out lol BUT my friend Thea phones me and invites me to come with her to my fave bar O BAR and I was super happy!!! So I met up with her and her other friend and we left by 11:30 woooo!!! I wore like this sexy black 1-piece outfit that tied at the neck and matching shoes. It was sooo fun as usual and I seen alot of people I knew from high school or whatever. I danced and danced and danced and it was sooo packed since it was a Friday night. And what do you know? My ex-bf was also there and he was hitting on Thea!!! By the end of the night we didn't have money to take a cab and the buses stopped running so he offered to walk us home LOL We accept and they drop me off first. Before I left I told Thea "don't do anything with him, he's bad like that cuz I can tell he likes you" lol which was true cuz he was flirting like crazy and plus he said she looked like Halle Berry (never thought about that before but she does). So she said "don't worry I don't like him." Anyways I know hes bad like that cuz he knows I'm married now but he still kept touching my ass throughout the night and rubbing my back when I obviously told him not to. Well, I really hope she got home ok without all his advances that he probably tried hahaha
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Hahahah That sounds like a interasting should read up on my stuff lol. Tell your X to piss off lol! And call him a road whore! I love that word!!! Road whore....hahahahaha!!
Well anyways talk to ya later babe!

LOL the storm was awsome!!! My weekend could have been better if I didnt get sick again! But its all good. It could have been worse right? Well talk to ya soon! and You better find me some treats tonight! lol Your lacking in that department! hahahaha

Later babe!