full scaled day

ok so today is gona be a busy day for me, so far it has. Last night I actually went to bed before 11:30pm cuz I had to wake up at 7:30am. Surprisingly I woke up at that time too and I was out the door by 8:45am. I had to come here to work to pick up my cheque to cash then head down to a loan place to pay them back and loan back the same amount so I can pay for my phone. I found a good idea how to get my exact same phone for $100 less than what I would have paid...smart me lol So I did that and then I came back here to work a few mins late but I'm here and that's all that matters. So now I just have to waste 1hr of talk time on my phone before I take it down to my phone company to exchange this crappy temp phone with my new one now. I'll be doing that during lunch but I have to go home first to get the rest of the equipment to give back to them. THEN after I'm done going home, going to the phone company...I need to buy a phone card to call my husband in Egypt. Then I can eat and come back to work until 6pm After work I'm going home to change and maybe eat then I'm off to the mall to try and get my dress that I've wanted since last week. I'm still wondering if I should get it. If I don't get it then I'll have to buy something else to wear to the bar tonight. I also wana take a bunch of pics of tonight and develop them tomorrow so I can show my husband all the fun I had LOL Well, after the mall I'll be going home to get ready and make a lot calls to get my friends and I'll be gone to the bar until late in the night. SO that's my day, all nicely planned out. Let's just hope it stays that way.
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love always,
hey i like your smilys