Time To Watch The Show I've Created

Feeling: wounded
Feels like all I continually do is run in neverending circles. Am I who I want to be? That's the question I am constantly asking myself. I know I can change things, or can I? I wish I was younger again, when things could change and there was nothing to worry about. The clouds would roll away, the seasons would change, and I would just be me. Why can't it all be the same...
Read 14 comments
hey i love copeland!! I saw them live. I really like your diary you seem really cool

also i know exactly how you feel, never knowing if you are the best you can be or if you've turned out how you're supposed to. In this wondering you're left always struggling to change yourself for the better. I hate uncertainty....but I hope you figure things out. Good Luck. Sorry to take up so much room.

thank you for ur comment, i had a very lovely easter and i hope you did a well! haha. wow im a dork, w//e tho!
atreyu is fucking amazing, and thank you :)
I know that feeling, but I am that young, and it isn't that easy anymore. Are you pagan? Just asking because of the pentacle, and I am. Wish you luck in finding out who you are.

your awesome
thank you love
mmmm i'm seeing as i lay dying on friday! if you live anywhere near pomona, ca.. go!
where?? and is SC san clemente or however you spell it. their playing at chain reaction aren't they? [backdoorbetty]
oh heh :-[ sorry. lol --backdoorbetty
i know how you feel. i constantly wish i didnt have to deal with the complex teenage life i live. i was i was 4 again. try not to think too hard about who you are. you'll find out when the time is right for you.
your welcome. hope you dont mind me commenting every once in a while.
I keep thinking the exact same thing. its weird how you always think your the only one who feels the things you feel, that no one else could possibly understand. until someone else comes along with the same aspirations, same troubles, same fears and you ralize your no so alone. Just human. Funny how that works. Anywhoo, sorry fer balbbing your ear off, couldnt help myself.
Take care :)
i ask mehself that too.. still dont know the answer...
have a spiffy day!!!
cuz lifes a bitch