morning walks at 8am

mirduh slept here last night, cause we went to the movies with my friend mark and his friend. it was fun, we were supposed to go see 40year old virgin, but marks slow and by the time they got here we werent gonna make it. so we just went to go see skeleton key, which sucked by the way, dont go see it. so yea then after that we went to wendys(#6) and then just came back here. then the boys left and miranda helped me work on my myspace thing. so this morning we had to wake up at 8 cause she had practice and stuff and we had to walk down. its not really that far since i live not even 5 minutes from the school. its prolly a good 10min walk but it was kinda nice. we found jack ont he way:) her and her friends were walking too cause they had cheerleading, so it ended up not being that bad becides the fact thatit was 8am. its been really cold out lately and i dont like it. i feels like fall already and summers not over yetttt :( so lets see cutie gets her cute little car today:):) ive talked to bryan here and there. hes doing good, i guess he likes it alot. the good thing is that i dont miss him half as much as i thought i was gonna. hah i dont know if thats a good or bad thing. i think its cause it hasnt been long enough for me to notice hes gone. who knows
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