
TEN FIRSTS: First Best Friend: karen Hicky First Screen Name: futurestarof2007 First Pet: rozlan, our cat First Piercing: ears in first grade First Crush: Joey Scanlin..he moved away like a bajillion years ago First CD: Backstreet Boys! First Car: last april, my saturn First True Love: daniel graves First Stuffed Animal: this yellow doll First Trip: to new jersey when i was 2? _______________________________________________ NINE LASTS: Last Car Ride: like 20 minutes ago, coming home from school Last Movie Seen: Rent Last Phone Call: my sister Last CD Played: jack's mannequin Last Bubble bath: a few months ago Last time you Cried: saturday Last time you laughed: like half an hour ago Last time you fell: yesterday in our volleyball game EIGHT HAVE YOU EVERS: Have you ever dated one of your best friends: not really Have you ever been arrested: no Have you ever skinny dipped: yes sir Have you ever been on tv: the news..lol Have you ever kissed someone and then regreted it: yes You ever been to a concert: yes Have you ever gone commando: lol, no _________________________________________________ SEVEN THINGS YOU'VE DONE TODAY: 1. sleep 2. school 3. eat 4. did work 5. drove 6. walked 7. froze ________________________________________________ SIX PEOPLE YOU HUNG OUT WITH TODAY: 1. elyse 2. molly 3. mike cobb 4. zachh 5. sarah 6. dan for like 4 minutes _________________________________________________ FIVE THINGS YOU ARE WEARING: 1. Jeans 2. shirtt 3. bra 4. thong 5. sockks __________________________________________________ FOUR PEOPLE YOU CAN TELL ALMOST ANYTHING TO: 1. elyse 2. steph 3. dan 4. my sister __________________________________________________ THREE CHOICES: 1. Hot or Cold: hott 2. Black or white: hmm black 3. Chocolate or Vanilla: vanilla __________________________________________________ TWO THINGS YOU WANT TO DO BEFORE YOU DIE: 1. bungee jump 2. get married...thats 2 plunges i wanna take __________________________________________________ ONE THING YOU REGRET: 1. hmm..
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forgot i had this thing..feel like doing a survey cuz i am bored....friday will be me and dans kinda 2 years..we'll just say 2 years with breakups..oh well here it goes.. 70 questions --- 1. smoked a cigarette - nope 2. smoked a cigar -yes 3. crashed a friends car - no, but my mom hit my friends car 4. stolen a car - no 5. been in love - of course 6. dumped someone- yeah 7. taken shots of alcohol - yeah 8. been fired - no, i quit 9. been in a fist fight - i dont recall 10. snuck out of a/your house- well i snuck out but only to go outside to talk to dan 11. kissed the opposite sex- yeah not like in a gross way 12. been arrested - no 13. made out with a stranger - no, i dont think so 14. gone on a blind date - no 15. lied to a friend - well yeah 16. had a crush on a teacher- yeah kinda 18. seen someone die - no 19. been on a plane - yeah 20. danced in a bar - no, but when i do it will be memorable 22. been to another country- yeah, canada and aruba 23. laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by - yup 24. made a snow angel - yupp 25. played dress up- hell yeah 26. cheated while playing a game- hah yeahh 27. been lonely- defintely 28. fallen asleep at work/school - yeah a couple times 29. used a fake ID- no 30. laughed so hard you cried- of coursee 31. touched a snake - yeah, i had it on my shoulders 32. ran a red light- plenty of times 33. had detention- uhh maybe? 34. been in a car accident- yeah 35. given a stranger a hug- probably 37. been lost- quite a bit 38. been to the opposite side of the country - nope, i wish 39. felt like dying- i use to 40. cried yourself to sleep- too many time 41. played cops and robbers- no, i dont think i ever did 42. been to a concert- yeah 43. won a competition- uhhh i dont think so 44. laughed till some kind of beverage came out of your nose- once 45. caught a snowflake on your tongue - yyup 46. kissed in the rain - yess 47. sang in the shower - yup 48. made love in a park- haha no 49. had a dream that you married someone else- i think soo 50. glued your hand to something - no 51. got your tongue stuck to a flag pole - omg yesss, i did it twice!!, it took like a week for my tongue to heal 52. worn the opposite sex's clothes - yupp, i love my dannys sweatpants 53. Been a cheerleader- no, thank god 54. sat on a roof top - yeah 55. talked on the phone all night - yup 56. ever too scared to watch a scary movie alone- yeah, im scared easily 57. lost your virginity- maybe 0:) 58. made out in the movies- no, i hate people that make out in movies whats the point? 59. been told you're hot by a complete stranger - yeah 60. broken a bone- not yet 61. had feelings for someone who didn't have them back - yeahh.. 62. do you miss someone right now- yeah 63. felt an earthquake - no 64. done something you told yourself you wouldn't-yup 65. been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on - haha yes, more times then i would like 66. stayed in your pj's all day long- lol like eery weekend? 67. do you text people on your cell phone- yeah 68. karaoke - hell yessss 69. had a 100 average in a subject- yeah i got my first 100 in US history this year 70. had a guy do something really sweet for you- yeah
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OK, not really that much to update cuz everythings pretty much the same as always. School is starting to kiss my ass. US is my best class so far I think I've got like a 100 in it? Then theres math which I'm doing fine in like always, gotta try a little bit more to get high 90's instead of low 90's. Sociology is like the worst class ever, stupid elective, this is what i get for thinking it would be cool. We have to write a stupid research paper and i have to write one for english. Chem is pretty difficutl for me but i've got like 80's in that class so its not too bad. English is english as usual I love ms. musa she is so much easier then mrs. moyer. She told me that i was really smart and that i shouldnt have troulbe writing a ton of essays at the same time..riiight. But im doing high 80's in that honors class. Lastly is pysch wich i was doing good in till the last test, whoops. OKay on to friends- everythings good, some people are anoying me then they use to but oh well i still love all of my friends more than anything. Volleyball starts monday!!...SOOO SOOOO Excited. I hope i make varsity, it think i will but im not positive. but i hope that doesnt make my grades go down. Lastly, Dan and i are still doing good. We still havent really gotten into a big fight so thats good...well i gotta go..I'll try to write sooner next time
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Hello again

Just a little update on things.. Work- working sucks and i will probably be quiting soon cuz the people i work with are assholes and theres only a few I like and my weekends are gone because of it so work may be no more Family- Things with my dad are the same, nothing good has happened there. My mom met someone and is in love and its pretty serious..he's a good guy, kinda pisses me off when hes here constantly but oh well he's nice and he makes her happy School- My classes all suck but i dont mind going to school as much as i use to even though i try to find ways out of it all the time. Friends- As great as always. Have made a ton of new friends this year, many people I've known but never really talked to and it's good. Love- Dan and I are still doing wonderful. We've been back dating for a month now and we haven't fought yet. If we get into an arguement we both apologize right away and that keeps everything good...I'm just soo happy, happier than i have been in the longest time.
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Quite happy

So, Everything with Dan has been amazing?? Yeah, it's been over a week now and we havent fought at all and if we do get upset with eachother we both say sorry like immediatly. We were talking about whem he leaves next year for college cuz hes not applying to any NY state schools, hes applying to penn state, west virginia, pittsburg, north carolina, and florida?..yeah kinda upset about that cuz they're all like 3 hours or more away. He wants to stay together and everything and so do I but its gonna be so hardd. I mean it would be cool if he went to florida cuz he said that with the other school he wouldnt be able to drive up cuz he wont have a car but if he goes to florida or NC then he can just take a plane and his dad told him he would be able to come up more. So i guess thats okay and then i would be able to go down there and visit him but i dunno..i would rather him go to penn state cuz thats his favorite school and his parents would go down a lot to visit him i think so i would go too hopefully..I dunno...It's not for another year but that will come sooner then everyone thinks but oh well..everythings going great so I dont have much more to say.
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New beginnings..

So little update for everyone, Rob is history cuz he kinda got annoying and talked more about football then anything. So then I decided i wanted to go to homecoming with dan cuz i missed him and he started backing off like i asked and that made me miss him and i didnt want him asking anyone else. So basically things with dan are great? yeah, we've hung out like every single day since wednesday. Wednesday he came over for dinner and we watched a movie and he helped me with my chemisty homework. Then thursday I went to his house for OC night which we are starting a tradition..every thursday we either go to my house or his to watch it since we dont see eachother in school a lot and we wanna spend more time together. Then friday i went to his house again and we watched a movie and had a good time. Then saturday i had to work 4-11 so i stopped over to his house after realy quick and said goodnight :) Then yesterday I stopped over after work again cuz i worked 10-3 and then i left at 5, went home, went to football practice for the reversal game, then came home showered then went to the sanders and then me, dan, steph, angel, sara, elyse and molly all went to the movies to see the exorcism of emily rose which freaked me out, then we all went home and dan was just soo nice and sweet and it was awesome. Now today he's coming over in a little to hang out and watch a movie so im excited. He's changed so much, i just hope this lasts. knock on wood
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Stressed out with life

Dan = annoying the shit our of me and scaring me sometimes..he's being obsessive and I've been as nice as possible and now its outta my control.. Rob = hates dan, would like him to die..things have been kinda shitty between us cuz dan is a main factor in everything that happens..did see him saturday, came to the football game with me and we went to frindlys with sanders and elyse and we had fun and he was cute then he came over and that wasnt good cuz dan decided to show up..then i saw him sunday for a few hours cuz he was golfing with his whole family so i went there and met his stepbrother and hit some golf balls and sucked..and now a day later we're in a shitty situation and hes probably gonna break up with me cuz of dan..so yupp my life is just peachy.. School = pain in my ass, but its not too bad..not much homework so thats always good..cant wait for this 3 day weekend coming up, it better be fun Probably gonna stop writing in this cuz like no one writes in theirs anymore and I dunno I just dont feel like it nor do i have that much time..but whatever..
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im confused. cause in dans my space. he says you 2 are just friends? ^yeah, to whoever left that, we are just friends. Story is, he broke up with me to just be "good" friends, then i met someone and started dating them, he got really upset wanted me back, and i said no, so now we're just friends.
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umm..i have some nicer things to say about dan because hes being good right now but I'll update it later cuz im too tired right now
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The hardest decision..

Okay, well dan found out about rob and he didnt take it as well as i had hoped. So for the past 2 days I've had to see himbeg me to stay with him and watch him cry. Not fun. He kept saying he loved me and he wasnt losing me and that he was gonna be better and all i could say was ur too late. Which sounds mean but he just broke up with me cuz he wnated to have fun and not be committed so I took that as okay move on which i did and I'm happy. For once I'm happy. But anyways dan comes over at 3 oclock in the morning and thought he was gonna somehow win me back? i dunno but finally he left around 4 and this morning right when i got on he was on and begged me more and was trying to be all sweet and then he got mad and left..half hour later i randomly look outside and i see his car and hes sitting on my porch. Yeah. not fun. I was just about to leave to go to windsor to see rob and dan was begging me not to go and to be with him cuz he loved me and needed me and said that he would die if i wasnt with him and was just balling. I felt awful but i kept telling him he had to leave and that we just have to be friends for now and finally he left, i was kinda scared cuz i really didnt know what he was capable of. So anyways, on to the good part of my day, i saw rob :) and uhh i think he's really rich?..lol..they just built a new house and its huge and they have this huge ass tv and a hot tub and they're making a thing for an indoor pool and they have a pond and just wow, it was nice. We just layed around and laughed and had a good time and he wants me to go to his homecoming and stuff and then i dropped him off at football practice and went home...now im excited cuz tonights our last night of summer and the girls and I are gonna go out with a bang hopefully..I'll write more later :)
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Dan who?

OK so went to the B-mets game with Rob and umm yess I like him a whole hell of a lot. I dont think I've smiled that much in a year. Wow, hes like amazinggg. I might see him tomorrow, he has football practice at 3 so i told him to come to endwell in the morning so we could hang out for a few hours. It was just an awesome night last night, during the fireworks at the game we kissed and everything..awww, it was like a movie. lol well i sound gay so I'm gonna go get ready for work which i have to be at in half an hour, blahh i hate work but atleast i dont have to work the rest of the week, yay!!..byeee
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My life honeslty is a joke. I mean one thing after another happens to me, nothing good comes out of it. Dan and I broke up probably for good again i dunno he wants his senior year free and he doesnt wanna get attached and then have to break it off once he leaves for school, i dunno we talked about it for 4 hours the other night and through many tears and shit we decided to just be "good freinds" which to him means the same thing as going out but not seeing eachother all the time and not being committed to eachother so whatever, when he wants to hang out with me he can give me a call but tomorrow night im going out with rob cuz atleast he wants to see me. I dunno, i just miss dan, i thought everything was okay but i guess not he came over today and kept hugging me and kissing me and telling me i'll be alright but this isnt fair to me and im not realizing that so whatever...and then to top it all off a whole bunch of people like 20 or so went to the b-mets game and of course i fall on a seat and get my foot caught in it and now my bone is severly bruised so yay for sandras life..its just frigen peachy!
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I dunno why I'm so pissy but i am. Dan just makes me angry. Dan always says he loves me and whenever we're together its perfectly fine but whnever we're not I feel like we're not even going out. He never says anything sweet to me, he never initiates wanting to see me, and like i know this is stupid but even in his profile or his away messages nothing is ever about me, its like he wnats us to be together but without anyone knowing or without having to really try. It just agrravates me. Like i'll ask him if we can hang out later and he'll say probably or i dont know becuz he does that just in case he gets a better offer he can go there and say that he didnt promise we would see eachother..I dunno, some days i wish he never came back into my life, i was finally moving on and then he took over again and now im stressed all the time and upset just like last time. But when we're together it's the best times of my life and hes sooo sweet to me, and we talk, and we kiss and hug, and laugh..so i dunno..Hopefully this year will be fun since its his last year here and we probably wont stay together when he goes to college cuz he wants to get the hell out of here so thats why i'm just gonna stick this out cuz I love the kid more then life itself and its always better when we're together..well this was kinda pointless so im gonna go..leave the comments
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survey cuz I'm boreddd

Worked today but got off 2 hours early cuz my boss knew I felt like shit. I cant get over this cold or whatever I have but anyways stayed at work for a bit longer to shop cuz i had to wait for my mom to pick me up cuz i was suppose to get out at 6 and she was gonna be there so she just drove me to work but anyways got 200 and something dollars worth of clothes probably woulda been over 300 if i didnt get my discounts..got cute things..anyways came home layed down cuz im tired and been watching TV and movies..yupp that was my day, now to the survey.. F I R S T S First car: my 2001 saturn First funeral: my grandmas this year :( First pets: our golden retriever, nugget, that we had for 6 months till my mom couldnt take it anymore First piercing: ears when i was like 7? First credit card: not yet First enemy: these 2 boys that that lived acorss the street from my babysitters when i was like 3, they were little assholes l a s t s Last cigarette: never Last car ride: like 4 hours ago coming home from work Last good cry: 2 nights ago Last movie seen: In theatres it probably was wedding crashers maybe? Last beverage drank: diet coke with dinner Last food consumed: gnocchis Last crush: Dan Last phone call: Dan Last time showered: this morning. Last shoes worn: some sneakers that have my orthodics in them Last item bought: a whole bunch of things from aero Last annoyance: probably dan Last time wanting to die: a few weeks ago or days ago i cant decide f a s h i o n | s t u f f Where is your favorite place to shop? uhh not really sure, i like aero cuz for me its cheap but im not too fond of their clothes but i dunno, anywhere pretty much Any tattoos or piercings? 2 in my ears and belly button What are you most scared of? death and being alone What are you listening to right now? nothing Where do you want to get married? in a church How many buddies are online right now? 110 What would you change about yourself? a lot of things, I wish i could b more out going and care less what people think or how they act h a v e | y o u | e v e r Given anyone a bath? lol my barbies? Smoked? no Bungee jumped? no Made yourself throw up? eww no, i havent thrown up since the 3rd grade Skinny dipped? yep Ever been in love? yes Pictured your crush naked? mmhmmm Actually seen your crush naked? lol yupp Lied? yeah who hasnt Fallen for your best friend? hmm i dont think so Been rejected? i think so Rejected someone? of course Used someone? maybe..lol Done something you regret? yeah c u r r e n t Clothes: sweatpants that I stole from the sanders and a green shirt from aero witha blue cami underneath Music: none Scent: basement? Desktop picture: stars Cd in player: dont have a player Dvd in player: nothing, big daddy was in it last night l a s t | p e r s o n You touched: umm probably dan Hugged: danny You imed: dan You kissed: dann a r e | y o u understanding: i try open-minded: yeah arrogant: sometimes insecure: every once in awhile interesting: i hope so hungry: nope moody: yesss hardworking: yeah even though i wish i wasnt organized: nooooooo healthy: kinda attractive: i dunno bored easily: yeah angry: when people piss me off sad: yeah sometimes happy: when everythings good hyper: lol most of the time trusting: I try but ater the shit thats happened to me, its kinda difficult to talkative: yeah around people i know legal: nope w h o | d o | y o u | w a n n a kill: stupid girls slap: Mike, the kid I work with look like: someone hott??..lol talk to offline: anyoneee w h i c h | i s | b e t t e r coke or pepsi: diettt cokeee tall or short: tall i guess but not too tall r a n d o m in the morning I am: way too tired all you need is: oxygen..lol love is: confusing but amazing when everything is going good last person you danced with: dan probably worst question to ask me: umm i dunno? worst statement: too tired to think who makes you laugh the most: my friends, and dan when hes in a good mood who makes you smile: Dan, when he says he loves me and i can tell he means it who has a crush on you: Rob i think?..i dunno of anyone else n u m b e r of times I have had my heart broken: a few times of hearts I have broken: one, two, i dont keep count of guys in my life?: many guy friends but one guy in particular :) of continents I have lived in: just one of tight friends: like 5 of cds I own: no clue of scars on body: 3 or 4 i think
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Last days of summer..

Soo yestedray started out as a really great day, my morning was lots of fun then the afternoon wasnt too bad either, went to the field hockey and soccer games one with elyse and then elyse and the sanders, it was fun and both teams won. However, my night turned into a nightmare and it wasnt fun and dan and I got into a kinda fight but he wasnt mad at me, he was upset about his friends or something but he took it out on me and i felt bad for him cuz he thinks he doesnt have any friends and i dunno, i wish they were nicer to him cuz he really loves his friends but they kinda treat him like shit but anywas after we planned we were gonna hang out he all of a sudden decided he didnt want to and it was a big fight but neither of us were mad at eachother, i dunno, i kinda let it go cuz i figured everything would end up normal just like it usually is..then today sucked i had to work 12-5 but i got to work the register which makes time go by so fast and it wasnt too bad afterwards i went and got a drink with one girl that works with me, megan, shes sooo nice and friendly to everyone she meets but we talked and stuff and visited kate who left to work at express and we miss her cuz she was awesome. But anways Andrea, my boss, asked me to work again tomorrow 12-6 and i dont want to but its extra money in the pocket, im pumped though cuz my check this week should be over 200 which makes me happy..ok then i went out to dinner with my mom and it was good and then dan came over and at first it was weird but within 5 minutes he warmed up to me as if nothing had happened and we went and bought movies and watched Big daddy and we had fun. I just hope we dont have to have anymore of these stupi fights, they're like retarded and not needed. Both times i havent even been mad but he makes things into bigger deals but i know last night he was just upset and it had nothing to do with me...well this is pointless so im just gonna go...9 days till school starts, and i have a feeling nothing that special is gonna be happening these last few days..but oh well..adios
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Time for an Update

Alright Update time: Friday- okay friday I think i read all day long..and then I got my hair cut. yes, my precious long hair is no longer. It's a lot shorter then I wanted but everyone thats seen it likes it so thats a good thing. Dan stopped over an hour before work to see it and he said he liked it a lot so yupp..then later after he got out of work he came over and we played jeopardy on the playstation and just hung out and he was such a cutie. I love how my mom just lets him come over without her there, its not like we do anything anyways : so its nice that we can just be alone..lol..So finally around 12:30 i took him home then read and went to bed. Saturday got called into work at 12 and they finally let me back on the cash register and I did a really good job, only screwed up a few times and so i did that for 5 hours then for the last hour i greeted and folded and she let me leave 10 minutes early so I could get to a certain set of twins surprise party!! Yeah so it was their half birthday but they never got a sweet 16 so we threw them a surprise party and it was fun, of course I was the first one pushed into the pool completely taken by surprise so yeah, cool. Then thats when the night got ugly, not gonna go into details cuz i wanna forget but dan and i got in a huge blow out fight for like the stupidest reason and it got ugly and i was so upset and i was scared that it was over again but luckily its not..so anyways that brings us to today woke up feeling awful afraid dan was gonna break up with me..we talked online and it didnt go so good so i was like call me if u wanna do something, got back on later and we decided to go to lunch so i picked him up and it was weird and then he started warming up to me and so we went to china buffet lol and it was good of course and we actually had a really long conversation mostly about the future and how he wants to go to north carolina for college which i dont want him to :( but i dunno whatever makes him happy but he said that we would probably just stay friends which also made me sad but i dunno, i dont want to think about that..its a year away..so then we went to the mall and saw his mom and he found 2 shirts that he wanted so he gave them to her so she would buy then we walked around the mall but i honestly felt like i was gonna faint again so we left and dan drove us to nezuntos so i could get a banana smoothie..mmmm good..then we came back to my house and played jeopardy again and had fun..dropped him off at home then came home myself and watched TV..he said he was gonna go out and hang out with john so i inivited elyse, snders and molly over for a vma party which i realized was only like 15 minutes before it actually was so that was my update,, kinda long probably should do it more often..k..well...bye
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Life is Good

Yesterday- Slow day and I didnt really do anything, worked called once again when i wasnt scheduled and i already had plans so i lied and said i was out of town, f them i'm sick of them calling me when im not scheduled to work or on call its not fair so anyways steph, sara and I went to seans for a bit to hang out cuz we hadnt seen him in a few weeks then we went to visit elyse cuz she wasnt feelin to good then i came home and had an actual conversation with dan for a whole hour..yeah, havent done that in months Today- Woke up and went to circuit city again and finally used my gift certificate..i bought a cd, a playstation game, and 2 movies and then went to lunch with my mom and then to barnes and noble cuz i had gift cards to there too and i got 6 new books to keep me busy for awhile :)..then mike and zach came over for a bit and it was good to see them especially zach cuz hes my bestest guy friend. Then i showered and got ready and went out to eat with my dad who i havent seen in like a month..it was alright, he even remembered dan and brought him up himself. Like hes never ever said anything about him in the year and a half dan and I went out and all of a sudden he remembers him? I dunno, but he didnt know we had broken up for 2 months but oh well he remembered him which made me happy. Then later i picked dan up and he came over here and he got my ipod working, yay! and then we played jeopardy on the playstation and i beat him the first time and then he beat me..he was soo nice to me though, hes really changed a lot. I'm just happy and thats all that matters..well I best be going..tootles
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Past 2 days

Monday- Hmm woke up late and just kinda layed around for a bit. Around 4ish my frickin manager called and was like do you think you could come in? I wasnt scheduled or on call so i was pissed and i was like well i have plans all ready so i dont think so cuz i was suppose to go to amandas house with the girls for our laguna beach party night but of course she wouldnt allow that so shes like i really need you and this is extra money in your pocket and so in a sad voice i was like i guess and shes like OMG YOU"RE AWESOME!! and yeah so i wanted her to die and shes like come in at 7 and i was angry so i was like i can make at 8 and shes like i need you at 7 and i was like ummm and shes like alright ur on for 8..so i was pissy about that but dan wanted to hang out so he came over and we hung out for like 2 hours which was nice. Still kinda in shock about that whole thing..then i went to work and it was with the 2 girls that I like and they told me to stick up for myself more to my manager cuz they agree shes a bitch so they bought me a sundae and let me go in the back and eat it but we were there folding and getting everything looking nice till midnight so once again not a happy camper. Tuesday- Woke up and talked to dan and he wanted to get a new cd that was out and we both had gift certificates to circuit city so he asked me to go with him so i picked him up and we went and he got his cd but i couldnt decide on nything to get and he made fun of me cuz i can choose anything so then we ended up going back to my house for the 3rd day in a row which must suck cuz im always bored here..so we hung out and watched a movie and then i felt bad so i let him play playstation and then my mom asked him to stay for dinner which he did and then we came down on the computer to try and fix it so he could get my ipod working and yeah hat didnt go so good so he took it with him and said he'd put his music on mine then he left and i had to call into work to see if they needed me nd of course they did so then i worked 7- 11:30..fun time :/ I seriously hate that job but i love the discounts and the people arent too bad..i actually like working during the day cuz closing is a bitch and u never know what time ur gonna get outta there. Also last night i texted Rob cuz I feel sooo bad for ditching him and i was like i hope you dont hate me and he sent me a message this morning saying he didnt but he was like im not gonna lie i was really upset when u ditched me and got a boyfriend cuz i really liked you :(..and i sent him one back saying i was awful and that i wanted to hang out with him i just couldnt and that i had really liked him too and i feel bad. I wish he'd get online so i could just explain everything, i feel so bad cuz hes the sweetest guy and if dan hadnt decided he wanted to be with me then i think rob and I probaby would have become something but oh well windsor is kinda out of the way and right now im the happiest i've been in a long time so no regrets just smiles :)
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