thnx wow urs is sweet it has lyk blinky n shiny n sparkly things =p♥
ok but i have a personal question to ask u.
here all just tell you right now.
maybe you can use some tips on ur new boy...
You do know your "name" says angle baby, right? Angle is like, triangles, kiddo. Angel, on the other hand, is the heavenly-type thing I believe you're going for.
do you want to get seriuse?
you no what i mean not sex but "IT"
No, not particularly. Thanks though.
i mean i can give you tips for you and ur boyfriend. if you wanna add me go ahead...
but really, how old are you? if you're any age of 10-13, you have not gone through puberty.. it's a time period, not just something that happens
"the one" kissing doesn't mean you are the ones for each other.. such puppy love.. so naive