What should I do?
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Feeling: chipper
This life kinda sux. I mean you never can do anything right. If you do one thing you are pissin one person off and if you change it to make them happy the other person gets pissed. So what are you supposed to do? I mean do you just change your views to match everyone elses? It just doesn't make any sence.I mean if I date this one guy one person will be happy for me but the other will be pissed, and if I don't date him then I am not happy...What to do,what to do????
Read 4 comments
Make yourself happy. Who gives a fuck about other people. Don't meet other people's needs because in the end, YOU will wind up unhappy.
Hey i told you do what you please. I told you that i would love you anyways. Kepp it real
you should do what makes you happy, not what people want to bend you into.

Beth no, do what you want to do. Not what other people want you to do or what they might think of you. Just be sure of yourself, dont let THEM make your decisions I know you better. Hey ttyl and you have to give me a comment