Listening to: noyb
Feeling: subdued
i'm a bitch and i don't know how to make my own opinions and i blame everything on everyone else and i let people change me and i don't know how to treat my friends. yeah i should die because i'm such a bitch oh p.s. i cut myself
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Listening to: none
Feeling: broken
i hate drama. ive never dressed up. i wish i were skinnier i want desperately to hurt mrs. c. i have the obsessive need to compare myself to other people. i wonder if anyone would cry at my funeral. i say random things when i hav no idea what 2 say. ive considered suicide in teh past. i love my friends to death, even though i hate them sometimes. i have a boyfriend who sometimes i treat like crap. and i hate that.buthe puts up with me. i dont know why. ive been having alot of "dark days" i just moved upstairs and painted my room orange. ive gone out with alot of guys. so now people think im a slut. but now i hear that people think im a goody goody. and i dont think taht is true. i dotn understand how people label themselves. i dont even know wut i would label myself, *ive tried, but i cant quite seem to fit the criteria for anything* i listen to weird music, but i am really proud of it bc it has shaped me 2 b an individual. and no, i dont care if they arent underground or indie. i hate people who try to be popular. u just look like an idiot when you do that. i swear alot. ya i hate to admit it, but i love god and god is a big part of my life. ive grown up in the chruch. ever since i can remember. ive been eatinn alot lately..an im not sure why... haha im prolly pregnant...lmao....jpjk i am a huge hypocrite. i wish i knew who i am gunna end up with. i hate myself sometimes. i hate the way i act. i hate the way i look. i cant help but think...."what if i were blonder? or skinnier? or prettier? or smarter?" ya, i make rash descisions. i hate how i look in pictures. i wish i were perfect.
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so caydebay is ova. we watchin gilmore girls.... we r sooo super cool. lol. "tell me a joke an i bet u i wont laugh." "zach kelly." "everyone cried when u were born, zach" so ya u wish u could b that orgasmic. so i broke up with justin again. i mean bc its the holidays we wouldnt ever b able 2 c each other. also he is soooooo immature. and so at the end of our convo im like well i still like u but things are just 2 hectic right now. maybe we could go out again in january, when things cool down. and he like totally exploded. hes like WHY DO YOU THINK THAT ILL GO OUT WITH YOU AGAIN IN JANUARY? MAYB I DONT WANNA GO OUT WITH YOU AGAIN. then he called up candice and bitched at her im just like wow. candi told me that erik hates me. he doesnt hate me he hates her. i even asked him. gr. so do yall like my new layout? cay did it. i <3 it muchly. so were eating oreos. its fun. we fell asleep at like 11 last night. wow. we kinda suck. ne way im goin shoppin 2day at rue 21. its prety cool. soooo talk 2 u all laters. muah?its like i have AIDS!
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1. How tall are you? 5'5" 2. Do you own a gun? the one i can make with my fingers... 3. Rehab? Counseling? no...people come 2 me wit their probs sumtimes tho 4.Ever killed an animal? ants? 5. Are you Irish? no...welsh... kiss me im welsh? 6.Do you like hot dogs? pig uterus's? eh...naaaah. 7. What's your favorite Christmas song? idk..i like alot. sumthin faster..or naughty;) 8. What is your favorite smell? ummm colada slice, and candy (even tho i dont know wut that smells like) 9. What do you prefer to drink in the morning? i dont really drink in teh mornin, water mayb? 10. Do you do push ups? i might if the fate of the world rested on my shoulders...but then its iffy... 11. Have you ever done ecstasy? no...but it seems like it sumtimes... 12. Have you been shot? ...a dirty look... 13. Have you ever been hospitalized? ya...but its no biggie 14. Do you like pain killers? well if they do their job then i am quite pleased with them. 15. What is your secret weapon to lure in the opposite sex? my personality. if he dont liek that, then y bother. oh ya, and my breaticlular things as well. 16. Do you own a knife? ummm...steak knife? 17. Do you have A.D.D? it feels like it 18. Do you love the pain a tattoo brings? idk...im not a fan of pain, but i want a tatoo anyway! 19. Name Five Drinks You Regularly Drink: Water...Diet Coke...Capri Sun...sprechers root beer...and...ummm...Apple Juice?... 20. What's In Your CD Player? greta's mix! 21. Who is your best friend? prolly cay, an meg an diff....i hav many good friends as well! 22. What's Under Your Bed? monsters?jk....umm....large tupperware-like storing containers? 23. Current Hair? medium length,layered, choppy bangs...theyre ok 24. What are you wearing? blue sweatshirt, tan cords 25. Current Worry? grades 26. Current Love? hangin out with friends? 27. Current Hate? kristen an fink? 28. Favorite Place To Be? Anywhere with my favorites... 29. Least Favorite Place? around my rents? 30. If You Could Play an Instrument? played the piano from 1-6th grade, but i stopped takin lessons when i moved. drums currently.yep. o an singin. 31. Favorite Colors? anything bright and fun 32. Person From Your Past You Wish You Could be with Right Now? grandma, or matt, or candi, or...idk or kelly 33. Where Would You Like To Go? italy, and london again 34. Where Do you want to live? NEW YORK CITY!!!...my favorite place on earth... 35. Favorite food? Italian and chinese anything 36. Color of most clothes you own? every color...but i like blue and people say i look good in olive green 37. Number of pillows you sleep with? 2under my head when i sleep, 3 or 4 when i read 38. What do you wear when you go to sleep? nothin! jk. umm pj pants or boxers and tshirt or tank 39. What were you doing 12AM last night? sleeping... 40. What do you think you'll be doing in 10 years? be a phycologist 41. Are you paranoid? sorta.... 42. First piercing/tattoo? 13th bday piercing. how sad. that was my first, but i recently put in a second hole an my rents were pissed. o well. 43. Last person you yelled at? dad...or mom? 44. Latest crush? chris! 46. If you could be a pirate, would you? i might, if i was a pirate taht didnt do anything. 47. Do you have an iPod? ya...but im grounded from it... 49. What's in your pockets right now? Nothing... 50. what color are your bedroom walls? evry color nearly 51. last thing that made you laugh? idk...nick...at hw club 52. any pets now? shih tzu and kitty 61. What do you think of the person who posted this before you? i dont know them 63. Screen Name? born2bwild7000 64. Whats your middle Name? morgan 65. What time is it 5:54 pm
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meh meh meh

Feeling: annoyed
Whats does your personality rate from 1-10? by morning_prayerYour first full nameYour personality rates a12your best quality isyoure pretty inside and outyour worst quality isyou feel lonely sometimesthis is becauseyoure uniqueQuiz created with MemeGen! At your ten year high school reunion... by robbiewriterYour school nameYour nameYour job will bePorn starYou will be worth$302,865Everyone will think youUsed to have a crush on themQuiz created with MemeGen! What is a good quote for you? by grlinteruptedNameColorSay what??"I wear more bracelets than a Russian whore."Quiz created with MemeGen! What Anchorman Quote Are You? by chrisrodkeyLJ nameColor of your chair:Your quote:"The ... party. With the ... with the pants. Party with pants?"Quiz created with MemeGen!
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thank you, mom

Feeling: tickled
Good Charlotte - Thank You Mom Lyrics I'm sitting here, I'm thinking back to a time when I was young, My memory is clear as day, I'm listening to the dishes clink, You were downstairs, you would sing songs of praise, And all the times we laughed with you, And all the times that you stayed true to us, Now we say, I said, I thank you, I'll always thank you, More than you could know, Than I could ever show, And I love you, I'll always love you, There's nothing I won't do to say these words to you, That you're beautiful forever, you were my mom, you were my dad, The only thing I ever had was you, It's true, And even when the times got hard you were there, To let us know that we'd get through, you showed me how to be a man, You taught me how to understand the things people do, You showed me how to love my God, You taught me that not everyone knows the truth, And I thank you, I'll always thank you, More than you could know, Than I could ever show, And I love you, I'll always love you, There's nothing I won't do to say these words to you, That you will live forever, always u can probably figre out who this song goes out 2. (no, not chris).ya i luv her, and ya im sorry. for everything. just after today i realize im hardly worth shit without her, and i miss her alot. i have plenty of other friends, but i miss cayla an i cant live without her. and this is all about a really dumb reason. i dont hink she as mad at me now as she was this mornin, but we still rnt really back 2 the norm i dont think. but if she could just take my apology so things could if not be perfect by monday, then at least better.i feel horible. <3
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sum surveys

Listening to: none
Ultimate Opposite Sex Survey (for girls) --Your Favorite-- Hair Color:: idc Eye Color:: idc (Their)Music Genre Preference:: rock/alt Height(estimate):: taller than me Age:: same age or 1 or 2 years older Personality Type:: sweet and funny --This or That-- Older or Younger:: older Romantic or Horndog:: romantic Smart or Stupid:: smart Fat or Skinny:: umm normal? Skinny but Muscular or Big and Muscular:prolly big...if u dont mean like hugely fat Punk or Preppy:: ummm mayb preppy look but punk attitude. but the punk look is pretty hott 2. The Big Picture or the Little Things:: wtf?Flowers/Candy or Big Expensive Present:: flowers/candy Mixtape or Burned CD:: mixtape-its harder:) Love or Lust:: love Emotional or Just Not:: a lil bitaa both Sincere or Jokester:: both Hott and mean or Ugly and sweet::if i had 2 choose 1 id say uggy an sweet Sexy or Just Cute:: cute Arse or Abs:: abs Hair or Hands:: hair Dimples or Eyes:: eyes Biceps or Calves/Thighs:: biceps Teeth or Nose(some people are just wierd) :: no weird nose no funny teeth Clean Shaven or Scruffy::um, if hes like indiana jones scruffy, but clean shaven is good 4 the preppy boy...lol Rugged or Prim and Proper::metrosexual.lol. Countryboy or Cityboy: well, country boys means cowboys so tahts tough Date alone or With Friends: idc not all the time w/ lots of people Mama's Boy or Rebel Without A Cause:: rebel --Have You Ever-- Dumped a guy because he liked you too much:: yes Loved a guy because he stalked you:: yes Loved a guy because he hated you:: ummm that would b retarded Asked your friend's crush out:: almost Lead a guy on for kicks:: YES! Asked a guy out purely because he was hott:: i dont really ask guys out Flirted with guys even though you had a boyfriend:: ya Lied about not having a boyfriend:: no Lied about having one:: no Cheated:: almost Been Cheated on:: idk Had a crush on a gay guy:: umm...almost --Their Clothing(yes/no)-- Boxers?:: i like boxer-briefs Briefs?:: see above Hat?:: eh...mayb Skater Shoes?:: yea Pimp Shoes?:: that might b funny Band Shirts?:: YES Vintage shirts?:: WHY NOT Southpole/um..other thug clothes..?:: not so much Dixie Outfitters/Big Johnsons?::wuts tat Independent/DC?:: sure S&M/Little Devil?:: idc Fox/Thor?:: idc Jeans or Shorts?:: if his legs are tan and he dont ahv a farmer tan and he has fine legs tehn shorts r goo in the summa --Be Honest-- Would you ever date a guy for his money?:: NO! Would you ever date a guy for his social status?:: psh not a chance Have you ever liked hanging out with your bf's friends more than him?:: ya Have you ever pretended to like somebody to make them feel better?: yea Have you called a girl a whore, when you were screwing lots of guys?:: mhhmmmm Do looks matter?:: sorta Are you honestly scared of being dumped?:: a little Does size matter?:: mhmm Do you avoid 'situations' with ugly guys?::i dont judge peopel by their looks Are you ashamed to be seen with your ugly friends?:: NO! I DONT HAVE UGLY FRIENDS> ANYBODY WHO SAYS YES 2 THIS QUESTION IS CONSIDERED LOW LIFE SCUM!!! Are you ashamed for being ashamed?(you better be):: no bc im not Do you hide things from your crushes/guy friends/bf?:: ya Do you lie about masturbation for attention or false innocence?:: huh? Do you really want a guy to say if those jeans make your butt look fat?:: fat ..i dont wanna be called fat Are you dissapointed when your bf doesn't say I love you right away?:: no Wanna be a virgin till marriage?: ehhh... Do you really love the guys everytime that you say it?: sumtimes Do you dream about your crushes/bfs/guy friends?:: sure? Would you makeout with a guy friend just to get it over with/curiosity?:: ya Does this survey suck nuts?: its ok TELL ME ABOUT YOURSELF - The Survey ______________________ Name: caitlin hawkins _______________________ Birthday: sept 16 _______________________ Birthplace: philly _________________________ Current Location: my room__________________ Eye Color: bluish ______________________ Hair Color: green brown ______________________ Height: 5 5 ____________________________ Right Handed or Left Handed: right _______________________________ Your Heritage: welsh___________________________-- The Shoes You Wore Today: barefoot ====================== Your Weakness: food and boys:) ==================== Your Fears: spiders and scary people ===================== Your Perfect pizza: supreme or pepperoni================================================ Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: get a hot bf ============================================= Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger: lol & omg that is sooo fetch ========================================= Thoughts First Waking Up: morning already!?! ======================================== Your Best Physical Feature: I DONT GOTS 1 IM FUGLY ============================= Your Bedtime: anytime ================================ Your Most Missed Memory: good summers ===================================== Pepsi or Coke: both ================================= MacDonalds or Burger King: both ================================ Single or Group Dates: i dont care ========================================= Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: both ================================= chocolate or Vanilla:ice ice baby============================= Cappuccino or coffee: cappuccino ============================= Do you Smoke: no ==================================== Do you Swear: yeah ============================== Do you Sing: yeah ================================ Do you get Motion Sickness: no im not a pussy =================================== Do you think you are Attractive: nope================================== Are you a Health Freak: hell no =========================================== Do you get along with your Parents: ehh...depends if they buy me sumptin:)======================== Do you like Thunderstorms: yeah ============================== Do you play an Instrument: guitar a little, drums, and piano ========================================== In the past month have you Drank Alcohol: yes ====================================== In the past month have you Smoked: no======================================= In the past month have you been on Drugs: i dont think so =================================== In the past month have you eaten a box of Oreos: nope======================================= In the past month have you eaten Sushi: ew====================================== In the past month have you gone Skinny Dipping: no bu ti hav b4=-================================ In the past month have you Stolen Anything: nope ====================================== Ever been Drunk: no ==================================== Ever been called a Tease: yeah ============================== Ever been Beaten up: not that i know of =============================== Ever Shoplifted: nope =================================== How do you want to Die: in a cool way ====================================== What do you want to be when you Grow Up: phycoloogist======================================== In a guy.. ================== Favourite Eye Color: any ===================== Favourite Hair Color: dont care ================================================= Short or Long Hair: idk...w/e======================================== Height: taller==================================== Weight: idc...as long as hes like not obese or really overweight...>:p================================================= Best Clothing Style: just nothin stuffie ==================================== Number of Drugs I have taken: WHAT ============================================ Number of CDs I own: I dont care ======================================= Number of Piercings: may b 1=============================== Number of Tattoos: i dont care
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stinging finger!

Feeling: hungry
oooowwwwwwwww. my finger hurts mucho baddo. lol. i was eatin tater chips wit a hang nail/cut on pinky finger. not a good idea:(. omg u no wut sucks? i am failing math. i hate it.so now my parents and i hav 2 go in 4 a fucking conference. UGH. dont tell no1 tho. grr....o an me an justin r goinout. but dont tell ne1 bc we keeping it on the down low. dont tell NO1!!!! promise? PINKY PROMISE??? ok. lol. anyway just got back from drum lesson. it was fine...but i need 2 practice more. i hate school. i miss summer sooo mcuh. rawr.hmm...i wonder who cay is likein these days...o and ya i hav 2 get her 2 fix up my itunes when she comes ova 2marrow. yay! im sooooo excited! i luv her so much *in a non-lesbianonic way*...haha...sam had a piece of shit in plastic. hahaha. i had the worst PB&J ever 2day. it was like chunky whole wheat bread and organic peanut butter:(. sigh. any way....my dayy.... spanish-it sucked as usual. i am seriously sooo bad at that class. i cant seem 2 do anythign right. ugh. FCE-actually it was pretty good. i finished my pillow. taht was a relief. choir-singing jordans angels. i mean its fine but i dont c y its soo great...mayb ill understand after we get better at it. but i love this 1 song about love in any language. theres this 1 part that goes *and daddies get teary eyed giving their daughter away* or sumptin like that. i love that part, it gives me the chills, buit makes me want 2 cry at teh same time. its just ill always no that my dad prolly isnt gunna make it until then. so i must enjoy him while i gots him:) i love him sooo much. pride.-ho hum S.S. -gay as usual. coloring maps and such. got 2 talk 2 justin wise tho. god that kid is a laugh. hes fun. Science-test 2marrow! im sooo nervous!!gahhH!! Math-enough said...lol Language arts- ehhh....boring. i hate these books shes readin...they r sooooo retarded. omg i saw mrs bendall in walgreens yesterday. it was weird *i love seeing teachers outside of school, its like seeing (something) in the wild*....wow i hav 2 watch that movie again so i can remember that quote. o and cayla is regina, i am gretchen, meg is karen, and diffy is cady. lol i love that name cady. i wish taht was my real name. lol...im gretchen weiners and my daddy owns toaster strudel! and my hair is so big bc its full of secrets! lol! omg i love caylas new haircut. its sooo cute. 2marrow ima wear my real women dont date yankees tshirt. lol.GO RED SOX!lol! anyway...not sure wut else 2 write....soooo ya...o and im not mad at diffy anymore. idc if im "wishy washy"..lol...ttyl lul xoxo MUAH!
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Feeling: content
omg such a good bday. but not as good as it couuld hav been bc cay wasnt at skool. i mean wuts the point of like havin a bday an comin 2 skool if ur bff aint there? lol. i mean i was pretty tired at skool. but w/e. after skool i came home and opend A SHIT LOAD of presents:). i got an ipod, lotsa insense stuff,3 shirts, sweatshirt,a book, 2 pairs of earrings, some pins, and a fone 4 my room! *i mean it was 1 of our old fones but i get 2 use it in my room! yay!* any way i came out like a complete bandit. had a lovely dindin afterwards. nummy culvers oreo ice cream cake.:D. went 2 football game wit merediff...it was fine, we lost 7-40 i believe. we SUCK pretty much...but it was fine juss hangin wit people. so many f'in skanks tho.o well.alex lemke was bein a babe...like he gave me a dollar an he was in a really good mood.an justin. an tony. after, meg peot an diffy slept ova. god its like everytime she comes over ALL she does is ditch me 2 talk 2 justin or houtz or whoeva she likes at teh time...i mean 4 like 45 mins she was just talkin 2 justin on the fone. i mean ugh...it just makes me sick. im still tryin 2 get ova him an she just keeps talkin 2 him on the fone quite loud while me an meg r tryin 2 watch gilmore girls *yes i did get gilmore girls season 1 on dvd:D...and a relient k cd*...w/e... no dont b a blabbermouth cay an tell her bc tehn when im mad at her she totally denies it. then she says like "well u should hav told me 2 get off the fone" i mean...wtf... im not gunna make her hang out with us. and she goes like well when im at my house i talk 2 him 4 wayy longer. i mean this is my house an my fone. WUTEVER! anyway... we fell asleep pretty early...but i forgot 2 tel lu at teh game there was much excitement...a couple of fights...very fun. i pretty much hung out with meredith an meg...or holly an shannon an matt paradies an angie an amber, or roo an sarah an meg hoessel and all those cool people. i also talk3ed 2 eric bain an lucas an mommarts 4 a few mins...lol...they r such a laugh.quite darling.but DAMN lucas has changed...i mean he looks GOOD. i dont like him or nething..but im just sayin ...compliment 2 u god, u did good:).lol. but realy i dont like him like that. anyway.pretty fun times.but we missed u mucho. biggly. anyway...lul... bi
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im walkin on sunshine

well, 2day i was HYPER an i was wearin a sexy ass skirt. sum gay ass guys were teasin me...wut the hell do they know bout FASHION STATEMENTS???lol! they kept askin me if i was gettin married, roo said i should have said "yes an u rnt invited"loL! i wish i such quick thinking. but we all know im a lil slow, yet we love me anyway:D. but my quote tht i live by (cayla should write this down bc she needs it bc i love her) "now i know the things i know, an do the things i do, and if you do not like me so, to hell, my love, with you."-dorothy parker anyway. wonderful soccer practice. bitch coach. she was a sub.w/e. anyway, 2 day was basically a happy day. youth group tonite. sooo excited!lul bi!
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Feeling: terrified
lol sry cay. had 2 do a songy thing 4 title. i was not hyper at all today an meredith was A TOTAL BITCH. omg. i mean its just sooo annoyin. in fce shes like "ya so last night i made all the invitaitons and im printing them off tonite...bc i do all the work", "i dint no i was supposed 2 do anything" ,"thats because im grounded from the fone", "ok tahts not myu fault". and such. and then she says that shes havin another party that im not invited 2, and all this other shit. also in fce an choir she kept on tryin 2 make me help with the guest list . i mean writing the guest list in school? tats tacky an really rude. i mean if sum1s sittin next 2 u that u dont want there thats just mean. anyway total bitch. an then she got mad at me. ya shes te 1 that should b mad at me. uh huh.i mean i dont care is auntie flow (lol cayla) gave her a gift, take a pill or sumptin so that the rest of us dont hav 2 deal wit u. w/e. idc. i also hate alex. damn fuckbag. o well. i love certain people not 2 b named. and my bffs. hehe caywa bo baywa. anyway not much happened 2day. total bull. walked 2 drum lesson 2day. yay.anyway ttyl. dont tell any1 bout any of this caycay!*cough*meanging meredith*cough* PLEASE!
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tummy hurts

Feeling: hungry
well i finally got up the courage 2 call up alex an when i did he told me hed call me back bc they having a family game night. reasons why i hate alex: 1)he said he likes greta, but im sexy 2 2)he dirty danced with her 3) he SAID 2 ME,"wouldnt it b cool if u and greta traded bfs so i could make out wit greta and u could make out wit charlie" im like, "umm no.". 4)he told amber if he wernt goin out wit me hed go out with her 5)he an greta made out *cept he did that thing where he put his hand in between. thats wut he told me at least. i dont c how he thought that wuld b ok. 6)hes a fag 7)always trid 2 cuddle wit me on my bed even when i dint wanna. 8)hes an ugly fag an theres more reasons, but i hate him!! Ugh! im just soo sad bc i think i like justin again but mere likes him an idk. ps-alex said i suck at soccer. ooo when i saved every fuckin ball. oooh that got me pissed. an he made out wit me when he was sick an said he wasnt sick. god i jsut hate him. i want him 2 die. hes sucha player. im just so sad i wanna cry. he broke my heart but i dont care bout him enuf. he also said he dint like me hangin out wit erik an justin, who r like my bffs bsides cayla.
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well interesting day

Listening to: watchin FRIENDS.
Feeling: sinful
well 2day was nice. i lounged round till 3pm when i had my soccer game. o my giddy giddy gosh. i was awesome. lol. sorry but i was. i played midfield 4 like the first half, worked my ass off, did some good shots. did like a thing wehre i did a header an kicked it while it was still in the air. very cool. in the 2nd half i played goalie. now you c, ive played soccer 4 about 6 years now, and not once hav i eva played goalie for a game. an i dint let any balls in. an i got some perdy good kicks in 2! yay! fun! alex was bein stoopid an retarded an then we went 2 a movie.ugh. i just wanna break up wit him sooo bad. badbadbad. but like then cay tells him that an he keeps on askin y. i mean its just hard. i asked him if he likes greta, an he said ya but he has me an im sexy. i mean an amber was totally hittin on him at the party. but im not mad at her. idk...anyway....c ya bibi, cay plz dont tell alex!
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Listening to: AAR
Feeling: hyperactive
omg! last night was the best fucking party! some drama at the begining, but like once we all got hyper an crap...we were grinding like sluts (me an rosie at least)...lol yes we r the grind queeens. and cayla 2. bc shes the queen of everything.lol. sooo much funno! and greta made out 4 the first time. wit charlie....wow.lol....hot. but i feel so sorry 4 cay bc shes not friends wit aaron hamer anymore. what a dipshit. anyway mere was bein sorta annoyin lastnight bc like she would just stand there, like tryin 2 b cool or w/e and like yell an me an slap me or w/e...she can jsut b uptight. well i lvoe her anyway nomatter wut:) bc i can type super. but like grindin is sooo much fun. its like crazy dancin i think cay an i hav a pic of us grindin. bi te time the night was through, roo an i had bcome experts. we shall be such good clubbers. anyway. but i mean taht was a frickin blast. i was sooo sweaty an gross, but i tink alex loves me anyway. lol. :D. i swear that was like sooo mcuh fun. i cant say that enough. lol. anyway. cay u r the queen. and so is marcus (u get wut i mean).lol! o an i hav a soccer game 2day . i hav 2 b goalie which i hav neva done b4. an alex is gunna b der. great. lol. lul bi!
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Feeling: schizophrenic
ok sry i havent been able 2 write in a while. i dont exactly hav a fingernail:(. it gt jammed in the locker...and you know the rest. hurts like a mofo. o and 2day roo told me that brittany carpenter was asked who was martin luther king. she replied that he was the first black president. dear god. and brinkley wrote taht there were 54 states. OH MY GOSH. that is enough 2 make me sick. anyway i was talkin wit amber and angie and 2 popular guys. they were talkin bout this girl bc when she was supposed 2 give her bf a bj bc they said she would if she"loved him". has it occured 2 anyone that were int eh 8th grade. an they wre makin fun of her 4 not knowin how. i mean. wow. would it b a good thing if she was an expert? i mean i no sooo many people that hav done it. i mean everythings just coming so fast. i mean i just recently made out 4 the first time. idk... its kinda scary. ok really scary. oh and i think this like totally dorky guy, nate, is gunna ask me out:(. ewy. i love my alex baby. rwr. hes my hunny. hopefully i get 2 hang wit him this weekend. bc rosie wantsa meet him. yay. hope she approves;).kk lul! BIBI!
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2nd day of skool

Listening to: trapt-headstrong
Feeling: torn
ahhh....and here ends the second day of school. a very lively discussion about politics in social studies.quite fun, bc i love politics. im a very strong liberal. well, now every1 in the class thinks im slightly crazy, gotta love it. and my teacher said that they didnt take away social security. my ass. they havent yet, but soon they will take the security out of social security. ugh. w/e. test in math, did not remember a thing from last year. but then again, no1 else really did either.anyway, after school i went 2 greenland. it was soo much fun. houtz and erik an justin an meredith were there.it was sooo funny, bc we all put our arms around each otha and walked around greenland. bc were cool like that. justin was scarin the crap outta me, bc he kept sayin he was seein teh grudge when it was really dark out. brrr. but i hav no feelings 4 him. o it was sooo fun...we gave eachoher piggybacks....and lifteed each other up an everythin. omg it was soooo funny... i gave justin a piggyback! an im like 30 pounds or more lighter than him, but suprisingly, he was really light.and i lifted up houtz and erik. tons of fun. justin lifted up meredith a cupple of times 2...but she was so scared. but like justin grabbeed my legs and slung me over his shoulder. it was hilarious. i was like kicking and screaming. i think i was prolly 2 heavy 4 him 2 lift but w/e.anyway. tons of funfun.my nail is cummin off an it hurts like a mofo. g2g bibi!!!
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2nd day of skool

Listening to: trapt-headstrong
Feeling: torn
ahhh....and here ends the second day of school. a very lively discussion about politics in social studies.quite fun, bc i love politics. im a very strong liberal. well, now every1 in the class thinks im slightly crazy, gotta love it. and my teacher said that they didnt take away social security. my ass. they havent yet, but soon they will take the security out of social security. ugh. w/e. test in math, did not remember a thing from last year. but then again, no1 else really did either.anyway, after school i went 2 greenland. it was soo much fun. houtz and erik an justin an meredith were there.it was sooo funny, bc we all put our arms around each otha and walked around greenland. bc were cool like that. justin was scarin the crap outta me, bc he kept sayin he was seein teh grudge when it was really dark out. brrr. but i hav no feelings 4 him. o it was sooo fun...we gave eachoher piggybacks....and lifteed each other up an everythin. omg it was soooo funny... i gave justin a piggyback! an im like 30 pounds or more lighter than him, but suprisingly, he was really light.and i lifted up houtz and erik. tons of fun. justin lifted up meredith a cupple of times 2...but she was so scared. but like justin grabbeed my legs and slung me over his shoulder. it was hilarious. i was like kicking and screaming. i think i was prolly 2 heavy 4 him 2 lift but w/e.anyway. tons of funfun.my nail is cummin off an it hurts like a mofo. g2g bibi!!!
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2nd day of skool

Listening to: trapt-headstrong
Feeling: torn
ahhh....and here ends the second day of school. a very lively discussion about politics in social studies.quite fun, bc i love politics. im a very strong liberal. well, now every1 in the class thinks im slightly crazy, gotta love it. and my teacher said that they didnt take away social security. my ass. they havent yet, but soon they will take the security out of social security. ugh. w/e. test in math, did not remember a thing from last year. but then again, no1 else really did either.anyway, after school i went 2 greenland. it was soo much fun. houtz and erik an justin an meredith were there.it was sooo funny, bc we all put our arms around each otha and walked around greenland. bc were cool like that. justin was scarin the crap outta me, bc he kept sayin he was seein teh grudge when it was really dark out. brrr. but i hav no feelings 4 him. o it was sooo fun...we gave eachoher piggybacks....and lifteed each other up an everythin. omg it was soooo funny... i gave justin a piggyback! an im like 30 pounds or more lighter than him, but suprisingly, he was really light.and i lifted up houtz and erik. tons of fun. justin lifted up meredith a cupple of times 2...but she was so scared. but like justin grabbeed my legs and slung me over his shoulder. it was hilarious. i was like kicking and screaming. i think i was prolly 2 heavy 4 him 2 lift but w/e.anyway. tons of funfun.my nail is cummin off an it hurts like a mofo. g2g bibi!!!
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sigh....first day of skool.

Feeling: chillin
well 2day was the first day of skool. OH JOY UNBOUNDED! not. lol. jk, it was ok. i hav friends in every class which is a pretty good thing. chris kept on lookin at me in science and he winked at me or sumptin....weird. lol. but hes my friend, an his locker is next 2 mine, so ill forgive. lol. this mornin was nice. i forgot how good it feels 2 wake up early while its dark an c the sunrise reflecting off the lake while riding the bus. sigh. god eric bain is such a laugh, he is truly fun. and OMG im sooo lucky bc i dont c kristen AT ALL durin school. THANK GOD! o an theres this pretty cute guy in choir. waaaay better than zach. but he seems kinda lik snotty. but i dont know him, so i cant judge.w/e i dont really care bc i hav a TOTALLY ADORABLE bf! :D. and lindsay an lauren know. an like the whole choir(thanks cayla). lol, luv ya 4 it. anyway, speakin of lauren and lindsay, i had soccer after school. OMG. sooo lame. the coach is pretty idotic i think. his drills were pretty useless. and like where he put the ball 4 me 2 kick into the goal, it was like literally 10 feet away. and im teh tallest person on the team, bc we hav a buncha 7th graders, but most of them pretty nice, but not very good. which is very annoying bc im in 8th. and ugh. its dum. the 8th graders on my team r jordan magpoc, lindsay an lauren stark, breanna,and this girl alyssa who idont really know, but seems nice.
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Feeling: balanced
lol. yesterday was sooo fun. alex came over, along with cayla. we walked down 2 the lake an went swimmin in our clothes. yes thats me, miss spontaneos;). he had bought me this totally gorgeous silver an gold bracelet...omg...soooooo pretty!an a necklace an a charm. hes so nice! lol...hes waaay 2 good 4 me. kinda like a fairy tale? anyway me an him an cay went 2 pizza hut. it was yummy! we hung out in the for dealership (bc were cool like taht) and we went 2 c eh movie red eye at 7:10. and omg i made out with alex! my first time! omg it was so cool! but kinda weird. lol ....:D.my tounge feels kinda weird this mornin. anyway cays mom came 2 pick us up. funfun. anyway 2day ima go wit meredith 2 get our nails done for skool:(. skool. >:P. but gettin nails done is fun! an we gunna go hang wit erik an justin at the greenland. ya meredith is goin out wit erik. she hasnt had a bf in FOREVER.so like when he says something i would expect my bf 2 say, she thinks it is soooo sweet. im like, ooook. lol. oh well. she deserves a bf. yes i did set them up:). oh an if any1 reads this an has makin out tips, tell me! i asked alex if i was horrible (bc hes quite experienced), and he so no not at all. but i still need all the help i can get (he didnt say that!) lol! well thanks! bibi!
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